Chapter 5: Attack of Rage Pt 1

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Johns POV

I come back to Gotham and the place ends up being attacked by a horde of angry hulking creatures. I was thinking of relaxing tonight but obviously I'm not allowed to.
I put on my gear and my trademark Skull mask and started walking towards the window of my apartment.

"Where the hell are you going?" My young little annoying roommate asked.

I didn't turn to look at him as I put one leg out the window.

"Just stay inside and don't leave. The streets are hectic right now." I told him.

"Whatever, just don't come back and make me clean your wounds like last time." He said.

"I'm not gonna get any wounds this time. Just watch." I said fully exiting the window.

"Should I get the medkit ready?!" I heard him yell.

"Shut up and stay inside!" I exclaimed, a little angry at his comment.

I slammed the window shut and went out to deal with the menaces in the streets.

I confronted one of the beasts just angrily beating on a wall. I stood behind it not being able to see its front. It looked female by the look of its blonde hair. But she was a giant muscly creature full of rage. Maybe it was human once but it certainly isn't now.

"Oi. Big and ugly. Stop beating the building!" I yelled at it.

The female beast turned and screamed at me and I got a look at its face. It's weird it looked a lot like Artemis.
The beast charged at me and I dodged to the side, throwing a ninja star at its face as I did. The star hit and the creature covered its face which caused it to run into the wall of another building.
Wow she's a smart girl.
I ran over to it drawing my sword. One of the only weapons Batman and his friends let me keep. I'm only allowed to use the sword for causing small wounds not for big and fatal slices. But Batman isn't here right now and I doubt this thing would get easily killed by a sword.
I ran and jumped onto the beasts back and hit it in the head several times with the hilt of my sword. It swiped me off of it and I landed on the ground behind it. As I lied there I could feel myself getting angry. I sat up and glared at the beast. It turned around and started massaging its head. I jumped up and charged using my new found rage, but it didn't help as the creature simply swiped me down again. I fell just beneath it and it looked down at me and screamed before raising its foot. There was no time to dodge and no way to stop the attack.
I closed my eyes as the foot slammed down, but I wasn't dead. The foot hadn't hit me. But how?
That's when I opened my eyes and saw that I was being carried bridal style by a man in yellow.
No, a speedster in yellow.

"Wally?" I said, stunned and weirded out that the kid was holding me like this.

"Hey Skull!" He greeted. "Where the heck have you been?" He said, looking like he wasn't going to put me down anytime soon.

"Places." I replied.

"Care to elaborate?" He said.

"Care to put me down!" I more demanded than asked.

Wally let go of me and I planted my feet onto the ground. I looked at him, he looked like he was waiting for something.

"Im not saying thank you." I told him.

"Why not?" He whined.

"Because that beast you saved me from is still up and is charging our way" I said before grabbing him and jumping out if the way.

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