Chapter 37: Showdown at the Showground

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The team is all gathered in the briefing room. Batman has got a new mission for us. I'm actually excited to get back out there again.

"Alright team." Batman began. "I have Intel that the Joker is hiding out at an abandoned amusement park in Blüdhaven. Tonight John, or Skull, will be infiltrating the premises."

Hearing his name made my heart jump. John's okay. But when was he talking to Batman? Why didn't he come and see us?

"He has asked me to set you up as backup if things end up going south, which is expected."

I looked over at Zatanna. I could see that see too was thinking about John.

"I don't understand," Aqualad queried, "Why don't we just join and help John as he raids the place?"

"John has told me that he wants to take care of this alone. I don't agree that he should do it but he has promised that he will alert you if things get too out of hand." Batman explained. "But If you for one second think that something there is not right. Then you have permission to interfere. Go get ready. You leave in an hour."


John's POV

Why is it always a creepy abandoned amusement park?
Can't the psycho clown hang out at a ice-cream shop or a teddy factory?
... Actually the teddy factory would be way creepier than the amusement park. But something not creepy. That would be nice.

I'm walking through the place and my brain is just telling me to leave. Whats even worse is that the lights are on and the cheerful music is playing. You might think that makes it better but no, It makes it way more creepy. Especially when there is no people, at all.
Every now and then I'd see something move behind the rides or the stalls. The figures would never stay long enough for me to get a sense of what they were... Until one flashed red glowing eyes at me. It must be robotic, or something like that.
I continued to travel through the park, keeping an eye out for anymore distant movements. All the music and lights of the park suddenly shut off. And I was left alone, in the darkness. With nothing but two red glowing eyes visible in the distance.
Walk towards them or go the other way?
I looked back the other way, then back in front of me. The red eyes were gone.

'Holy Ra's al Ghul, thats creepy.' I said to myself.

I pushed on. I don't need fear right now. There's only one thing I fear in this world and I killed her last year. The clown wants to play mind games. Wants to try and scare me out of beating him. I'm not having it.
I looked at one of the stalls, it was one of those clown things where you out the balls in their mouth. It reminded me of Zatanna, when she dragged me to the Happy Harbour fairground. First time at an amusement park. Funnest day of my life. This is my second time at an amusement park... Its not so fun.
In the corner of the stall was a surveillance camera. He's watching me, no doubt laughing. I pointed at the camera.

"Where are you!?" I said out loud.

One set of lights suddenly turned on, heading in a line to my left. He wants me to follow them. Its a trap no doubt. But how else am I gonna find him.
I turned and started following the lights. They led me to what looked like an arena. Thank god, I'm finally gonna punch something. As soon as I entered the makeshift arena a large spectacle of flashing lights went off and the entranced closed off. People appeared on the other side of the fences, cheering and chanting. Waiting for a show.

"Welcome, Ladies and Gentlemen. Tonight we have a special show in place." The Jokers voice rang through a loud speaker. "No we don't have Batman. Which is sad because I set this all up for him..... But we have the next best...... The fifth next best thing. The scary man in a skull mask, a guy who saved a bunch of heroes from blowing up in a warehouse filled with fear gas..... Skull-Mask Man!!!"

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