Chapter 29: Party Mistakes

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Katie's POV

"When you said we were going out I actually thought you meant to fight crime." I stated as Artemis dragged Zatanna and I into her room.

"You go crimefighting all the time Katie. I thought it would be fun to act like normal teenagers. Go to a party or something."

"Do you even know who's party this is that you're taking us to?" Zatanna asked.

The witch girl looked exited. Like she was dying to get to this party.

"Not directly. But I'm friends with a girl who is friends with the organiser."

"Artemis. I don't really do parties. Especially high school ones." I said.

"Will there be alcohol involved?" Zatanna asked, still exited.

Artemis stared at us both.

"Sometimes I forget how young you guys are." She stated. "High School parties are fun and yes there most likely will be alcohol but we won't be drinking it. Now hurry up and get in your outfits."

We each got changed into the clothes we had chosen. The party wasn't a big formal thing so we weren't that jazzed up.
Artemis wore a light green singlet top with dark green leather pants. Zatanna had a white shirt button up shirt with no sleeves and a probably too short skirt. She had decided to leave the top buttons open on her shirt. I was probably the most covered up of them all. I simply wore a red jacket over a black t-shirt with jeans.

"Alright. We ready?"

Zatanna nodded. I didn't respond.

"Katie, whats wrong?" The archer asked.

I looked up at her.

"Should we really be going to this thing?"

Artemis walked up and put her hands on my shoulders.

"Katie, everyday and night we go out there and make the world safe. We sacrifice ourselves to save people. Don't you think we deserve to live a little?"

"I guess." I shrugged.

"Then lets go live." She said and both girls literally dragged me out the door.


The party seemed to be at some big rich kids place. It was this really big house, not as big as Wayne Manor of course, but it was still big, and fancy, and it had a really cool looking pool.
As we walked into the building we were immediately hit by loud music and people, a lot of people.
Zatanna and I followed Artemis inside because we had no idea who anyone else was. Sadly, Artemis did, and it didn't take long for her to completely disappear out of our sight. So much for being my best friend.
I turned to Zatanna.

"Have you ever been to a party like this before?" I asked, more yelled because there was a lot of voices.

She nodded. "Yeah, I used to sneak out of home and go to them. None were this big though."

Her eyes traveled around the room until she found a table with large buckets full of ice. She smiled.

"But they all had alcohol." She said and quickly went towards it.

"Zatanna!" I exclaimed, following her.

She pulled a can out of one of the ice buckets. She offered one to me but I declined. She shrugged and opened it, drinking it like she was twenty-one.

"I thought you were meant to be a good girl." I said.

She smirked at me.

"Thats just what my dad told everyone. And I played along." She admitted. "But this is what I really am."

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