Chapter 16: Cheesy

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I don't know what kind of game Dick has planned and I have no idea what I'm doing.
I go to have a shower before patrol and when I come back there's a message on my bed saying.

'Go to the building on the corner of Crookvern St and Bencurry St.

I'm heading to that location now. The name sounds familiar but I'm not sure how.
As I ran, I could feel the amazing feeling I get when the wind blows on my hair. I hear the busy traffic of Gotham below me as I travel in the silence of the rooftops.
I just love running on the rooftops. Maybe its because of those feelings I get. Or maybe its the fact that I hate sitting still for long periods of time. I don't know but I hope I never lose the ability of my legs. I wouldn't be able to stand it.
No pun intended.

I stop on the building overlooking the one Dick wants me to meet him at.

A jewellery store.  

One that looks surprisingly familiar.

I jump over and land on the building. The place looks really familiar. After a while of looking around the place, the realisation hit me. And Robin confirmed it.

"Do you remember this place?" He asked, walking out of the shadows, his hand behind his back. "The first place we met." He had a happy little smirk on his face. He also had a bow tie attached to his costume. It was adorable.
I returned his smile with my smile.

"I beat you in a fight." I smirked.

"I let you win."

"Ha. Keep telling yourself that." I said, walking up to him and inspecting his bow tie.

"Funny how fast a year can go." He stated and my hands froze on the tie.

"A-A year?"

Has it really been an entire year from when we first met in this jewellery store. From when I first donned my costume. When I first sprayed him with my special pepper spray. A year since I became Ocelot.

"Yeah. A year." Robin smiled, pulling a bouquet of flowers from behind his back. "Happy anniversary."

He knew I had no idea that it was our one year anniversary. I didn't even know it had been a year. It feels like its gone so quick, but when I think back so much has happened.

I took the flowers from his hand. They were beautiful. But felt a little cliched.

"Flowers." I smirked. "How cheesy are you gonna get tonight?"

Robin laughed. "Very, very cheesy."

He stepped to the side, revealing a completely lit up ventilation shaft.

"Now if you'll please enter the store, Madame." He said in an accent, waving his hands and gesturing to the vent.

I laughed and climbed down it and entered the inside of the store.
The jewellery cases were empty so I guess the owner had learned to lock them in a safe at night. In the middle of the store there was a two-person table with a red and white checkered cloth covering it.
Talk about cliched. But it was still highly romantic that he had done this for me.

Robin entered behind me. I turned and before he could say anything I placed my lips on his.

"Thank you," I said after we moved our lips apart.

The Heroes and The Villains (sequel to The hero and the villain)Where stories live. Discover now