Chapter 11: Stakeout

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The team (except for Rocket) gathered in the Mount Justice debriefing room.
Batman stood in front of us all. He had fully recovered from the fear toxin he received a week ago. He was looking sluggy for a few days after that dose he took.

"Alright team. I've managed to track the culprit for the recent poisoning of Gotham Academy's food."

"Who?" Aqualad asked.

"The Joker was behind the attack. I've gotten a lead that lead me to his whereabouts. I want you to investigate this warehouse in a forrest in Pennsylvania. Stakeout mission only. Raid the place if absolutely necessary. I don't want any of you to fall victim to the mad mans games. Understood!" Batman explained.

Everyone nodded

"Good. Get changed, and get going." Batman finished.

The rest of the team headed towards the change rooms. But instead of following them I walked over to John who had already arrived fully geared up.

"Hey." He greeted as I walked up to him.

"I heard about you and Zatanna. Are you alright? We haven't really had a chance to talk." I asked.

"Well you didn't go to school or the cave for over a week, so we didn't see each other." John said. "Don't worry Sis. Me and Z are fine. I'm over her."

"Are you sure? You two were really close."

"Yeah. We were. Until I left and stuffed it all up. But I'm alright Katie. Honestly."

I nodded. "If you say so. I better get changed. Be back in a minute." I said, leaving him and heading towards the change rooms.

Hmhm. He really did seem done with her. I wonder why? Did he meet someone else already? Or does he just not care?


Somewhere in Pennsylvania.

"I'm in position" I said over Meghans mind link.

We were all spread out, surrounding a warehouse in the middle of a forrest. If Batmans lead is right, which it probably is, then the Joker should be in there.

"This is aqualad in position."

"Skull in position."

"Robin in position."

"Thats everyone in position." Meghan said.

"Good. Now we wait. See if anything happens." Aqualad stated.


"Don't want to alarm anyone." KidFlash said. "But it's been three hours and nothing has happened."

"He's right,"  Robin confirmed. "Should we bust the place now?"

There was a silence over the mindlink as Aqualad made up his mind.

"Okay. We form up into teams of two and then enter at different areas." Aqualad planned. "Skull, I want you to stay here and keep a lookout."

"Keeping Me from the fun." He muttered. "What? Afraid I'll kill everyone."

I couldn't see everyones faces, but I'm sure they all had perplexed expressions on.

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