These are all YouTube based questions. There's one for each of you. Prepare yourselves
Christophe: You-what?
Gregory: YouTube
Christophe: is zat all the voices from your computer?
Gregory: yes
Craig, how big of Phan Trash are you?
Craig: I've read my share of Phanfictions, watched all their videos, crafted a lot but I'm not yet on Kevin's level
Gregory: what they say is true, the Phandom is truly everywhere
Mole, do you watch Onision? (If not, DO IT)
Christophe: I don't watch YouTube
Gregory: I watch Greg, he's extremely entertaining and I think his views are amazing
Gregory, I have no idea who you would watch so who do you watch? (I'm genuinely curious here)
Gregory: I watch: Onision, ThatcherJoe, Casper Lee and Tyler Oakley
Craig: I didn't take you as someone to watch Joe and Casper
Gregory: they're extremely attractive people
Christophe: excuse me
Gregory: but! You are better looking than both of them put together my love!
Craig: 'my love?'
Gregory: you're just jealous no one is calling you by 'my love'
Craig: yes, I'm sooo jealous
Ask Craig and his 'non-friends'
RandomAsk Craig and his non-friends anything you want! He will answer every single question with 100% honesty Signed: Clyde