Episode 2

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Yukio woke up and yawned before shaking awake Rin.

"It's morning!" Yukio said as Rin rolled over on his side and attempted to return to sleep.

"Just a few more minutes..." Rin mumbled.

Yukio frowned and climbed out of bed. "You'll miss breakfast," he said.

That got Rin's attention and he shot up out of bed. "I'm up!" he yelled.

Yukio giggled before getting dressed.

Once Yukio and Rin were dressed, the two headed to the dining hall and sat down beside their Mother who was already seated.

Yuri was picking at her food with a concentrated look on he face. It was apparent that she was deep in thought.

"Um...mommy? Where's daddy?" Yukio asked.

Yuri looked at Yukio and smiled lightly. "I think I have an idea of where he is." she responded.

"Where?!" Yukio and Rin asked in unison.

"In Assiah,"

"Woah! Really? Why's he there?" Rin questioned.

Yuri got up from the table. "Follow me," She said.

Yukio and Rin exchanged looks before they got up from the table, grabbing bits of food from the table and shoving it into their mouths before following their Mother.

"Your father had to flee because some really bad people were trying to kill him," Yuri said, leading Yukio and Rin to a barred door covered in sealed papers.

"Daddy had to flee? I bet he took out a lot of enemies before he left!" Rin exclaimed.

Yuri pushed open the barred door breaking it open and walked inside. "Rin, Yukio, would you like to see the human world?" She questioned, kneeling down and making something on the floor.

"Yeah!" The two said in unison.

"Rin, go grab that sword over there," Yuri instructed, pointing over to an unsheathed sword lying against the wall.

Rin ran over to the sword and dragged it over to Yuri.

"That sword is named Kurikara. Take it with you," She said.

"Okay, leave it to me!" Rin yelled.

Yuri smiled before turning her attention to the ground. She took a deep breath before saying something in a language that Yukio nor Rin could understand.

The ground glowed before it turned into a purple mess and began a sucking motion.

Yuri started to breath heavily, "I can't make a strong gate I'm afraid. I don't possess enough power. Please hurry and go, when you see your father tell him I said for you all to find a man named Fujimoto. When you find that man, tell Fujimoto I'm your mother. Do you understand?"

"Yes mommy. Find daddy and tell him to look for a man named Fujimoto and tell Fujimoto you're our mommy," Yukio recited.

"That's right. Don't be afraid and enter the gate," Yuri said, wearily.

Rin gulped and held the sword tight to his chest before he sucked in his breath, closed his eyes and jumped down into the gate.

As Yukio stepped into the gate, Yuri collapsed on the ground.

"Mommy?" Yukio questioned, glancing back at her as the door to the room suddenly burst open.

Unfamiliar looking people yelled, "Stop right there!" but Yukio had already gone.

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