Episode 25

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One hour later, the twins were sleeping across Amaimon's lap as he bobbed his head, trying to fight sleep. 

Sadao couldn't help but smile. It was rare for his sons to be together and enjoying themselves, even if it was something simple like sleeping. It reminded him of what it meant to be a family which brought a warm fuzzy feeling to his chest. 

It was almost the end of Sadao's shift and he went back and assisted the other co-workers before returning to the register where he stopped in his tracks. He narrowed his eyes, straining them to see into the distance.

 Two figures, who had to be Yuri and Dorin, walked with large bags in their hands and brand new outfits on as they giggled with each other. Then, an unfamiliar looking male approached them from behind, placing a hand on Yuri's shoulder before rubbing his head. The male wore a smile on his face and was saying something that Sadao couldn't make out. Whatever he said made Dorin's ears turn bright red and she hid behind Yuri who laughed it off.

Sadao knew one thing was certain, he was pissed. There was only one occasion where Dorin's ears went red and that's when someone used a stupid pickup line! Sadao knew this because he had caused the same thing.

His cheeks turned red at the memory of when he had used a stupid pickup line.... And then shook his head clear of it.

Before Sadao could do anything, a hand was slapped onto the back of him. "Hey Sadao, how many kids do you actually have?"


"I wanna know-everyone wants to know, be honest."

"I have around....twelve sons...." Sadao mumbled, his cheeks turning red again.


"I've been married several times so...." Sadao trailed off and scratched his head before his attention was reverted back to Yuri and Dorin who was now entering McRonald.

"Welcome Mrs. Maou's," the co-worker said, waving before walking in the back.

Dorin leaned against the counter as Yuri went to collect the twins from Amaimon's lap.

"Some humans were bothering you weren't they?" Sadao asked in a low voice.

"Well, the humans sure a persistent in their pursuits. I haven't met such forceful creatures since you seduced me," Dorin responded, giving him a wink.

"Since the boys are sleeping, After we drop them off with Alciel, want to accompany your wives on this glorious evening?"

Dorin batted her eyelashes and gave a small pout.

"Of course!" Sadao said, "As soon as my shift is over."

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