Episode 18

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Rin and Yukio were escorted home by Ashiya. Once they stepped foot inside the familiar home the inside was no longer recognizable. The table was overthrown, dishes were scattered broken on the ground and Sadao sat huddled on the ground, arms wrapped around himself as he tried to talk down Dorin. "I was not cheating! I would never!"

Dorin was calmly seated on a lone chair flexing her hand as she held a long knife in her other hand, a wide smile on her face, and an evil glint in her eyes. 

"Daddy!" Yukio shouted, running over to Sadao. Yukio stood protectively in front of Sadao, his hands spread out forming a shield. "Stop it! Don't fight daddy while he's weak!"

Dorin stood up and pointed the knife, "Move aside while I kill him," She said in a sickeningly sweet tone. 

"No! I won't!" Yukio yelled, determination in his voice. 

This surprised Dorin. Yukio was the more reserved of the two twins. He wasn't known to be stubborn and yet here he was being just that. The look in his eyes was serious and Dorin  considered stopping. Momentarily. Using her demon speed, she easily got behind little Yukio and grabbed Sadao by the scruff of his collar lifting him up. 

Sadao let out a yelp and closed his eyes, preparing himself for physical pain.

"Mommy!" The twins shouted gleefully.

Sadao was dropped to the floor. After landing hard, and he opened his eyes. Standing in the doorway, with long hair flowing against the wind and a smile on her face was none other than Yuri herself. She was being hugged by Rin and Yukio. When she glanced over to Sadao, she chuckled softly, "I see you're human form is quite different than you're demon one. I think I prefer you in that form, You're pretty cute,"

"Yuri..." Sadao murmured, slowly standing up. He could feel the tears forming, and he let them fall. In an instant, he had Yuri in a tight embrace. 

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