Episode 21

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Sadao stood aside and allowed his co-workers to enter his home equipped with balloons, cakes and two folded gifts.

"Come on, we've gotta get this stuff decorated before the twins come!"

Sadao was grabbed by the wrist and made to help set everything up. Once the decorations were in place, the co-workers all settled in hiding placed as Sadao stood awkwardly waiting in the dark.

Two minutes...then four...after ten minutes of silently waiting, the doorknob slowly turned and a pair of individual's entered.

"Surprise!" Everyone shouted, leaping out of their hiding places with wide smiles.

Suddenly a slash appeared and the table was sliced in half. Everyone stood with their mouths in a half open smiling frown of horror. A long green tail with what appeared to be a blade at it's end whipped around. Then, the lights flickered on.

There was no sign of the bladed tail, instead a green haired woman with a frown on her face stood next to Yuri who held the hands of her twins.

Both boys wore a look of confusion until Sadao said shakily "S-surprise?"

"Cool!" Rin shouted, letting go of Yuri's hand and running over to grab a balloon. He pulled it down and swung it about as it bobbed in the air.

Yukio blushed and ran to join his brother as Sadao's co-workers laughed shakily.

"What's this about?" Yuri inquired, wrapping an arm through Sadao's.

"The guys at work wanted to throw a party for Rin and Yukio's first week at school," Sadao explained.

"Hmph, it's cute I suppose," Dorin said, wrapping her arm through Sadao's other arm. Both women gave each other an unreadable look before flirting with Sadao who blushed at the sudden attention.

His co-workers watched this confusingly. One whispered to Ashiya, "Who are those ladies?"

"Those are his wives," Ashiya answered simply.

"Eh?! Sadao's married to two women?!"

Rapid discussion began. "I can't even get a girlfriend much less two wives!"
Someone declared. Other co-workers laughed at this, "That's because you're You, no one's gonna date you,"

"Hey! That's rude! But you're probably right," The co-workers laughed and joked around.

"What's these?" Yukio inquired, holding up the two wrapped gifts. Everyone quieted down.

"Oh yeah! The gifts!"

"One's for you and the other is for Rin,"

"Open it,"

"Yeah, Open it kiddo,"

Yukio and Rin's eyes lit up as they began to unwrap their gifts.

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