Episode 12

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By the time Sadao reached his home and opened the front door, the sky was darkening and the moon was visible. It cast an eerie glow and Sadao momentarily glanced up at it.

A loud cough brought Sadao's attention inside of his home where a young lady sat with her arms crossed and a stern look on her face.

It took a moment for Sadao to register who she was and when he did, he let out a scream.

Rin and Yukio, however, ran towards the woman and wrapped their arms around her.

"H-hello D-dorin," Sadao said uncertainly, when he recovered from his...unexpected behavior.

The woman named Dorin smiled and ruffled Rin and Yukio's hair before standing up and approaching Sadao. She still wore her stern look on her face and her hands on her hips.

"Satan, I heard what you said to Mephisto."

Sadao winced. "Y-you did? H-how exactly?"

"I followed you here to Gehenna to keep an eye on you. And I have to say, you're an asshole!"

A loud slap was heard and Sadao gently rubbed his cheek as his eyes  lowered.

"You were drunk when we made love? So all those things you said to me were lies?! I can't believe I became one of your wives! You despicable being!"

Sadao sighed heavily before attempting to explain himself. "W-well you see Dorin, I actually-"

"No more! I won't hear another word King of lies!" Dorin crossed her arms and turned away, her long green hair flowing behind her.

"I-I only said those things to get Urushihara-I mean-Lucifer out of my house! I knew if I said those things Mephisto would be more inclined to let him stay!"

"So you lied?" a voice said.

Sadao slowly turned to face Urushihara who was standing in the door.

"What are you doing here?"

"I came to get my computer," Urushihara said, going and grabbing it.

"Who would've thought you of all people would make it so I can live in a paradise instead of this dump." he said.

"I did it so you can wire me money you freeloader!" Sadao shouted.

"So...y-you lied about everything then?" Dorin inquired, glancing back at Sadao.

"Yeah of course!" Sadao said quickly.

Dorin blushed and looked to the floor before suddenly glomping Sadao.

"Oh I knew it! I knew it!" Dorin exclaimed kissing Sadao rapidly on the cheeks.

"Eww, Mom don't do that in front of everyone," The voice of Amaimon said.

Dorin glanced up at Amaimon and pouted. "But I wanna~"

Amaimon shrugged and followed after Urushihara who was leaving.

"Bye guys!" Rin shouted, waving his hand as he petted Kuro.

As Dorin continued to kiss all over Sadao's cheeks, Ashiya announced,
"It's time for your bedtime!" before ushering Rin and Yukio out of the front room.

Sadao gently pushed Dorin off of himself and sat upright, sighing heavily.

"Ah, um...Did you see Yuri before you came to Gehenna?" He hesitantly inquired.

Dorin frowned and collected herself. "No I didn't," she answered, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"I know Yuri is your favorite wife, everyone knows that. But am I that insignificant to you?" Dorin whispered.

Sadao remained silent and shifted uncomfortably.

Dorin chuckled softly, keeping her gaze hidden beneath her hair that fell forward.

"Well, even so. That won't change anything. I still love you. But if you flirt with any human girls..."

At this comment, Sadao glanced at Dorin's face and became rigid.

There was a dark and sadistic smile on her face as her head was cocked to the side. "...I'll cut off your balls and feed them to you," she whispered, shifting closer to Sadao who wore a look of horror.



Hey everyone! Sorry it took so long to get this chapter published! I want to thank all of you who were patiently waiting for this chapter, you guys support is Really inspirational!

Here's a picture of what Dorin looks like:

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy the next chapter!

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Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy the next chapter!

~Princesshimechan signing out!

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