Episode 8

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Sadao was seated as Yukio and Rin were talking rapidly to him while jerking him side to side.

"And that's when it flew out of my hands!" Rin yelled. "And then-"

"-this Emi lady grabbed Rin when he was about to get it!" Yukio finished.

"My stomach growled-" Rin began,

"-and Emi told us she'd feed us and brought us here!" Yukio finished.

The two continued to finish each others sentences and Sadao rubbed his head.

"Whelp, I'm glad you made it here!" Sadao said loudly, standing up.

The front door opened and Sadao glanced at Urushihara who had just entered.

"What are you doing here Uncle Lucifer?" Yukio asked.

Urushihara blinked in surprise. "How did you guys get here?" he questioned.

"Hey Urushihara, I hear you've been staying at Mephisto's house lately. Are you making plans to move by any chance?" Sadao inquired, crossing his arms.

"Huh? Who told you that?"

"I did," Amaimon answered, pulling out his sucker candy and waving his hand.

"Amaimon! W-what are you doing here? I thought you were still in Gehenna."

"You saw me yesterday," Amaimon said, putting the sucker candy back into his mouth.

Sadao laughed softly before approaching Urushihara. "Are you gonna move out or do I have to kick you out? As of right now I have a full house, and as you can see,  I don't need a freeloading Neet hanging around."

Urushihara shook his head. "It's not like I can just move in with Mephisto, he's real stubborn when it comes to lending out money,"

At the mention of money, Sadao perked up. "Lending out money? He's tight with his money huh."

"Yeah. He lives in this large mansion and he's got anime merchandise everywhere, he's like a huge Otaku. Anyway, he's loaded and I've been trying to get him to loan me some money but-"

"Where can I find Mephisto?" Sadao inquired, his eyes bright and glittering.

"I'm his father, he has to loan me money and if he's loaded then that means no more saving up for what I want..." Sadao murmured, a wide smile on his face.

"Um...excuse me Sadao," Chiho interrupted from her place seated on the floor. She had her hand raised.

"How many children do you have?" She asked. 

Sadao glanced back at Chiho and scratched his head uncertainly.

"W-well you see..." He began, avoiding her eyes.

"Daddy's got a lot of kids," Rin said, eating rapidly.

"We're the youngest though," Yukio said.

"As I thought, you really are  despicable," Emi said, crossing her arms and glaring at Sadao.

"Daddy's not dipsickle! He's awesome!" Rin proclaimed, standing up.

"You mean Despicable," Yukio whispered to Rin.

"Anyway, daddy's the coolest! He's strong and everything!" Rin continued.

"Well, father looks pretty weak right now," Amaimon interjected.

Sadao had looked pretty proud at Rin's remarks but hearing Amaimon's he shouted, "Hey! I'm not that weak!"

"Daddy might be weak right now but that's why I'm here! I'll protect daddy!" Rin exclaimed, determination in his eyes.

Sadao began to look dejected. "But...I'm not weak..." He said softly, a dark cloud hanging above him as he hung his head.

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