Episode 27

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Sadao casually approached the candy store as many humans ran past, screaming "demon!" and rushing to the exit.

Pushing open the door, he was not at all surprised to see Yuri trying to calm down a furious Rin. His entire body was covered in blue flames and he had his hands around the store clerks throat.

Sadao momentarily paused, soaking up the sight as his chest filled with pride. Then, he stepped forward knowing he had to put a stop to it.

Small hands suddenly went around his legs and he glanced down to see Yukio with his eyes shut, trying to hold him back.

"What are you doing?" Sadao asked, his tone not at all mad.

"I'm keeping you here!" Yukio shouted, his tail swishing behind him.

"You guys are so adorable when you're trying to kill people," Sadao said with a smile.

Catching Yuri's look of displeasure he quickly changed tactics.

"But you can't kill humans," he said sternly, giving a soft bop atop Yukio's head.

Yukio let go of him and knelt down holding his head.

Approaching Rin, Sadao took a deep breath and hit him slightly harder atop the head. In response, Rin let go of the now passed out human and bit Sadao's hand before punching him with his tiny fists.

Being in demon form, Rin's assault did sting but that was it. Sadao easily picked Rin up by the waist and held him under the arm as he turned to Yuri.

"We should go now, right?"

"Yeah," Yuri said, standing up and grabbing Yukio.

"But first, lemme get some more candy!" Dorin's voice rang out.

Sadao turned and stared wide mouthed at Dorin who has grabbed several bags and was stuffing them with as much candy as she could fit into each bag.

"What? I'm a demon. Theft isn't that bad, besides, No ones gonna notice," She justified, catching the look.

"I think they're gonna notice that half the store's candy is gone!" Sadao said, "Plus we're on camera!" He pointed to the security cameras.

Seeing them, Dorin held up her hand. The cameras burst into flames and fell apart. "There. Now we're not," She said, continuing to fill up the bags.

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