Episode 4

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Considering everything that had happened since Satan first arrived in the human world and took up the name Sadao Maou, the last thing he expected was to see his young children Yukio and Rin.

A sweat drop fell as he struggled to form words. "Ah, uh...w-where's...where's Your mother Yuri?" He stuttered.

"Mommy's still in Gehenna but I'm sure she knows that we found you! She sent us here to get you!" Rin exclaimed.

Sadao gulped and ushered Yukio and Rin over to the side as he stepped away from the register and got down on one knee.

"Um...right now daddy's working. Here in Assiah it's much different than if we were in Gehenna. So...why don't you two be good boys and go play at the park until my shift is over okay?"

"Daddy, where are your horns and why do you look so silly?" Rin asked.

Sadao scratched his head. "Well you see..."

"Daddy, what's a shift? And why do you have to work? Aren't you the demon Lord?" Yukio questioned.

"Yeah! And why is your power so weak! Daddy, I can barely feel your power anymore. Are you really really old now?" Rin asked.

Sadao sighed and ruffled the two of their hair. "I'll explain another time. Right now I'm working so-"

"Sadao?! What Are you doing? Get back to work!"

"Y-yes Ma'am! Right away!" Sadao yelled out before standing up.

"I'll meet you at the park okay?" He said before returning to the register where a line had formed again.

Rin and Yukio exchanged looks before leaving McRonald's.

The two began walking back to where they first came and sat down on one of the benches.

"Something's really wrong With daddy," Rin commented, placing the sword down on the bench before sliding off of the bench.

"Do you wanna play?" He asked.

"No, I'm gonna try to think of something to fix daddy," Yukio responded.

"Okay," Rin said, running over to the slide and climbing to the top and then sliding down.

Yukio began to think while swinging his legs as he sat on the bench.

"Ooh, look! A real sword!"

An older looking boy walked over to where Yukio was and attempted to grab the sword.

"Hey! That's my brother's!" Yukio yelled, grabbing the sword and preventing the boy from taking it.

Yukio was pulled off the bench and began wrestling the older boy for possession of the sword. Both were jerking the sword towards them in an attempt to make the other let go.

Eventually, Yukio lost his grip and fell forwards, scraping his knee.

"Oww!" Yukio exclaimed, tears swelling in his eyes as he clutched his now bleeding leg.

"Hey! What did you do to Yukio?!" Rin yelled, rushing over and punching the boy in the nose.

The boy dropped the sword and clutched his nose as blood began to pour out of it.

Rin wasted no time attacking the boy, punching him in the stomach and knocking him to the ground before kicking him.

Once this was done, and the boy started crying as he balled himself up, Rin went over to Yukio and took a look at his bleeding knee.

When Rin looked up from Yukio, a small crowd had formed and the boy's mother was cradling him in her arms.

"That little monster! Look what he did to my precious baby!" She Yelled, giving Rin a glare.

The crowd was murmuring and a few of them were on their phones.

As Rin watched this he was surprised to find that his heart was beating really hard against his chest and he felt really bad. One look at Yukio however, wiped all evidence of remorse from him.

"That jerk made my brother cry and hurt his knee!" Rin yelled angrily, balling his fists as he stood up protectively in front of Yukio.

No one seemed to care and whispers of a monster filled Rin's ear. The whispers made him angrier.

"Shaddup! All of you! Go away!" Rin screamed as a sudden flicked of blue flame appeared out of nowhere startling everyone into silence.

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