Episode 37

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Sadao was completely unfazed by Yashushi's attempt and easily dodged with minimum effort. Sadao  wore a detached facial expression as an evil aura began to gather.

Yashushi noticed this change in behavior and only had a split second to put up a defense when Sadao punched him hard.

Pushed back, Yashushi smirked as his arms stung from their defense.
Closing his eyes, his face relaxed and a pair of dark black wings protruded from his back. When he opened his eyes, they shone darkly against the reflection of the moon.

"Old man...You really suck. I mean, you're Not even fighting. Don't tell me you became soft."

Sadao said nothing and merely gazed at Yashushi, a sympathetic look on his face.

"Unhand me!" The voice of Dorin roared.

Sadao glanced up to find Dorin struggling in the hands of an unknown demon.

"Let go of me you!" She screamed, her eyes blazing.

Around her neck was an unfamiliar necklace and Sadao instantly recognized it as an angelic relic for sealing demonic power. 

"Let her go!" He growled. 


The shrill voice of Yukio reached His ears and Sadao turned wide eyed to stare as Yukio was being carried by Beelzebub towards the portal.

Yukio's hand was outstretched and Sadao made to run towards him when Yashushi intercepted him.

"We're fighting, remember?" He said with a smile.

"Daddy!" Yukio called out again before disappearing into the portal.

Sadao finally snapped. Summoning all his power, he transformed into his demonic form and gave Yashushi the cruelest glare he could muster.

With speed, Sadao rushed past Yashushi who was prepared to fight, shocking him.

Sadao slipped through the portal right as it began to grow smaller before finally disappearing leaving Yashushi and Mephesto alone together.

"Aww, I wanted to fight~" Yashushi whined, scratching his head. With a heavy sigh he turned to face a struggling Dorin.

"Can you relax, it isn't like you're going to be killed."

"I knew not to trust you!" She spat, struggling.

"Welp, it didn't seem like the old man figured it out yet," Yashushi commented, addressing Mephesto.

The statement was left in the air as Dorin looked between the two, confusion etched on her face.

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