Episode 13

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It was the next day and Sadao had left for his shift. Rin and Yukio laid around the house and sighed heavily.

"This is boring," Rin complained, putting down the manga he had flipped through.

Rin stood up and made his way over to Dorin who was in the kitchen with Ashiya. 

The sweet auroma of food made its way to Rin and his stomach growled in anticipation. 

"Master Rin! You shouldn't be in the kitchen," Ashiya said, having noticed Rin approaching. 

Dorin stopped what she was doing to glance at the two.

Rin was gazing up at Ashiya defiantly, "You can't tell me what to do! I'm your superior and you're my underling!" he said, pointing a finger. 

Ashiya sighed and tried to usher Rin out of the kitchen. He touched Rin's shoulder in an attempt to gently push Rin out of the kitchen when Rin smacked away his hand. 

"Don't touch me!" Rin shouted, his eyes blazing. A flicker of blue flames appeared along with his tail and horns.

Ashiya let out a yelp of surprise and fell to the floor curling up in a ball. "I'm sorry my lord, I'm sorry my lord, I'm sorry my lord, I'm sorry my lord!" he repeated rapidly, his eyes closed and his body shivering.

Rin's flames died out and he smiled triumphantly. "I'm the boss!" he shouted, pumping his tiny fist into the air.

Dorin chuckled, barely able to contain herself. "That's the spirit. A true demon king must strike fear into his subjects," She commented. 

"What are you doing?" Rin asked, turning his attention over to Dorin.

"I'm cooking for your father. Want to assist me?"

"Sure!" Rin exclaimed, rushing over and standing beside Dorin who instructed him on what to do. 

When Sadao finally returned home after his shift, he was greeted by an excited Rin.

"Daddy, daddy! look what I made!" Rin shouted, grabbing hold of Sadao's arm and pulling him to the table.

An array of elegant looking food was lined up. Each plate seemed to shine and cast a look of radiance. Sadao was In awe and left speechless.

"Y-you made this?" he questioned, staring at Rin in shock.

"I had some help..." Rin said modestly, a blush on his cheeks.

"Rin is a natural," Dorin commented from the side.

"Come on, eat it!" Rin urged, thrusting a pair of chopsticks into Sadao's face.

Sadao gulped. The food looked almost too good to eat. He picked up a piece of meat and popped it into his mouth. Immediately, Sadao's face melted into a look of absolute paradise. After swallowing, Sadao's mouth was open with drool trickling out.

"So good..." he said, before gobbling up more.

Rin smiled brightly and fisted the air. "Success!"

"Okay now, everyone dig in!" Dorin shouted and Yukio, Ashiya and Rin sat at the table and fixed their plates and started to eat.

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