Episode 49

501 23 1

Yashushi laughed as he dodged around Emi's strikes while hitting her with his strings hard enough to leave bruises, but not hard enough to permanently damage her.

"Is that all you got miss angel? I thought you'd be better than that," he taunted.

"Shut up!" She roared.

Lucifer stepped closer to the throne, aware of his rapidly beating heart and the goal of their visit.

"God," he said, internally cursing himself for the squeaky tone of his voice. "We've come to take over."

"Do you think I don't know that? I am well aware of your intentions."

"Well then-"

"And I cannot allow it."

Lucifer sighed and fidgeted.

"I gave you demons a home long ago and now you want more?"

"That's exactly what we want!" Yashushi shouted.

"Heaven is forbidden for demons and out of your reach."

"Can't we reach a compromise?" Lucifer mumbled, "I really don't wanna fight you."

"Because you would surely die,"

Lucifer glanced away.

"I can hear every thought and see every desire. There is a reason when you turned against me I didn't destroy You Lucifer. And that is because I love each and every one of you, demon or not."

"Sure you do!" Yashushi interrupted, wrapping his string around Emi's blade and pulling it out of her grasp.

"That is why I allowed you demons to have a home to live in and prosper. Because I don't hate you and I understand your struggles. Miss Emilia, has the devil done any evil in the human world?"

The question caught Emi off guard and she turned wide eyed to stare at God. "N-no, he hasn't," She answered.

"Very well. The compromise is this; If Satan is able to conquer Assiah without a single soul dying, I will allow him and others of his choosing to freely exist within its realm as long as its ruler has human blood."

Those words shocked Yashushi, Lucifer and Emi into complete silence.

"B-but-" Emi stuttered, "Why?! How could you offer such a thing?!"

"Humanity has fallen from the way it had once been. And many of my own archangels have betrayed me. They think simply because I haven't addressed them that I cannot see the evil in their hearts. In a way, My message has finally reached that dense idiot. Satan is my first child, an idiot full of stupidity and worthless rage. I let him live in order to teach him to learn to love and appreciate humans and it seems I've succeeded in passing on that message."

"But he's a demon! You can't-"

"Think of it as an experiment. I can always take back what was mine to begin with."

"You..." Yashushi muttered trailing off.

"T-thanks and sorry about your angel guards we'll go now!" Lucifer said quickly, Clasping his hands together and bowing multiple times before pulling Yashushi after him. 

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