Episode 22

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Both boys stared at the objects in their hands. "Awesome! Now I can be just like daddy!" Rin exclaimed, holding up the mini version of Sadao's McRonald's uniform.

Both boys ran to put the uniforms on as everyone clapped and hooted.

"I told you they'd love it,"

When both returned wearing the uniforms, everyone clapped again as the cake was being cut.

Sitting around and eating, Sadao laughed along with his co-workers, happy for the peaceful moment.

Placing a piece of cake in his mouth, Rin gently tugged on Sadao's sleeve gaining his attention.

"Daddy," he began.

"Hm? What is it?" Sadao inquired, picking up a cup of juice and taking a drink.

"Where do babies come from?"

This sudden question caused Sadao to immediately begin to cough, spraying juice all over the floor as he struggled to breathe. His co-workers all laughed and pointed as Rin looked around curiously.

After collecting his breath Sadao said, "Your mother will tell you later,"

"Oh, okay," Rin responded, placing a fork full of cake into his mouth.

"Nice save," Sadao's co-worker said with a wink.

After eating and briefly chatting with one another, Sadao's co-workers began to leave one by one. As the last one departed, Sadao sighed before looking at the mess they left behind.

Rin yawned and stretched. "I'm tired," he mumbled, rubbing his eyes.

"Lets go to bed," Yuri said, picking him up and carrying him to the bedroom.

"Ashiya I need your assistance!" Dorin declared, grabbing Ashiya by the scruff of his neck and pulling him outside.

"Hey! Whose gonna help clean this up?" Sadao asked looking around. His eyes landed on Yukio who was reading. Sensing his father's gaze, Yukio looked up at him before standing and retreating to the bedroom.

"Aww come on guys," Sadao said, hanging his head low. With a sigh, he grabbed the nearest cleaning tool and proceeded to clean, all by himself.

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