Episode 43

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"Why did it have to come to this?" Yuri inquired, her eyes glazed with tears as she sat on the ground surrounded by exorcists.

"The world is going to end thanks to Satan! You've brought Armageddon down on us!" An exorcist shouted.

"You don't really believe that do you?" Yuri asked, twisting her tied wrists. She turned her gaze to Fujimoto. He caught her look and turned away, trying to hid the guilt in his eyes.

"You're all stupid," Dorin commented. She was strung up from the ceiling hanging from a red rope around her arms, legs and waist.

"When our husband finds out what you've done to us, all hell will literally break through! He'll come and kill you all!"

"You're not helping," Yuri murmured as the exorcists tensed.

"Just wait for my Amaimon! He'll kill you! How dare you treat a Queen like this you bastards!"

Dorin continued shouting threats and insults until a large rumbling of the earth silenced her.

All the exorcists pulled out their weapons and summoned their familiars.

The rumbling continued until the ground beneath them collapsed as a large green hand broke through as a roaring voice shouted, "Give me back my mother!"


"See? I told you I'd get you back home," Yashushi commented, lifting his foot off of the throat of an incapacitated Angel.

Lucifer scratched his arm, glancing around at the angels littered throughout heavens floors.

"You-you demons!" Emi roared, struggling in vain to escape her binds.
"How dare you attack God's kingdom!"

"You're such an idiot so shut up!" Yashushi shouted, catching Emi by surprise.

She clamped her mouth shut as he regained his breath.

"You don't know anything at all," he murmured, "Always blaming us demons for what happens to you. Don't you know, He started it all! He's the one who kicked Lucifer out; he's the one who started the war; he's the one who killed my mother!"

Yashushi shut his eyes and calmed himself. "Don't you ever wonder why heaven hates us demons so much? We've never invaded this place before and yet...well I'll tell you, it's because your God is unjust. He uses us as his tool to make himself look good. Right now, earth is under attack, Armageddon if you will,"

Yashushi flicked his wrist and a small orb appeared, fire and destruction in view. Holding it in front of her, Emi's eyes could only widen in horror, for what she saw was not demons killing but angels. Their white wings covered in blood.

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