Episode 24

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When Sadao awoke the next morning, he instantly felt the pulsation of a hangover. 

Dorin, however, seemed perfectly fine. She stood beside a normal Yuri chatting about the latest fashion line. Spotting the awoke yet slightly irritable Sadao, she smiled before pecking him on the cheek. "Me and Yuri are gonna go out, bye honey!" she said before rushing out the front door followed by a giddy Yuri.

It wasn't until seconds later did Sadao realize that Dorin had nicked his wallet. With a sigh, he stood up, swaggering a bit before looking for his uniform.

After being fully dressed, Sadao glanced down at the happy Rin and Yukio who wore their gifts proudly. "We want to go to work with you daddy!" Yukio said, his eyes large and expectant. 

Sadao scratched the back of his head as he thought it over, "Sure, I guess," He responded. Both boy's high fived.

Walking out of the house, Sadao spotted Amaimon casually sitting on the stairs with one of Urushihara's game systems in his hands and a lollipop on his mouth.

"What are you doing Amaimon?" Sadao questioned. 

Amaimon glanced back at Sadao with a lazy expression on his face, "Where're you guys going? I wanna come too"

That was how, minutes later, Sadao stood at the cash register staring at his three sons who occupied a table with two miniature cash registers and fake burgers. 

"I'll take your order!" Both twins said to a woman who smiled and bounced her baby boy on her waist. 

"How old are you Sadao?" A co-worker questioned, "You have three kids, one of which who looks like they're older. Are you a demon or something?" They joked. 

Sadao stiffened and laughed uncertainly, "O-of course I'm not a- what makes you think that?" 

"Please come again!" The twins said in unison, gaining attention.

"Wow, they're just like mini you's Mr. Mao," Chiho commented, smiling as the two waved at her. 

"Mini Mao..." A co-worker mumbled. "Mini Mao!" The others repeated. Everyone burst out laughing and Sadao blushed. 

Rin and Yukio gave them confused expressions before shrugging it off and smiling with their hands outstretched. "How may I take your order?" They said in unison to a last and her child.

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