Episode 5

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Sadao had finally cleared the long line and it was his break. Sighing in relief, Sadao happened to glance out the McRonald's Window and see a crowd over by the park.

Instant dread filled Sadao as he saw a flicker of blue flame.

"Oh, hell," He muttered, running out McRonald's and towards the crowd.

Everyone was dead silent until someone screamed and yelled monster.

"What's going on over here?" Sadao questioned, maneuvering past the crowd and towards it's center where Rin stood defiantly glaring up at them.

One look at Rin and Sadao knew he had to do something, and fast.

"W-why doesn't everyone forget all of this and head over to McRonald's? It beats standing here in this heat!" Sadao said, making sure to stand in front of Rin and block him from view.

"Look what that demon child did to my baby!" A woman screamed from the ground as she cradled her son who was bleeding.

Sadao instinctively winced at the term before he said, "That's unfortunate. I'm so sorry that happened. If you'll head to McRonald's, We can see about cleaning up that blood and then you and your son can order anything you like from the menu. Consider it my treat, okay? Sound good?"

The mother glanced down at her son and made no response As she lifted him up and carried him off.

The crowd quickly dispersed as parents grabbed their children and walked away from the park, many of them talking about the events.

Sadao sighed before turning and looking down at Rin who was now tending to Yukio's knee.

"I'll be fine. Thanks Onii-san," Yukio said, standing up with the help of Rin.

"I would ask what happened but I don't think that would make much of a difference," Sadao said.

"That jerk made Yukio cry and hurt him! I couldn't let him get away with that!" Rin yelled, folding his arms.

Sadao didn't answer, instead he took out a piece of paper and wrote something on it before handing it to Yukio.

"Head to that address. It's where I live. Wait there for me, okay?" He said.

Yukio nodded and grabbed Rin's hand and pulled him after him as he began walking away, glancing at the paper every so often.

Sadao decided it was time to return to work and headed back to McRonald's.
But as he was headed to McRonald's, he spotted the Kurikara sword lying on the ground and went to pick it up.

"Thank you again for sticking up for me," Yukio whispered, glancing back at Rin.

"That's what big brothers are for," Rin reponded. "Do you know where we're going?"

"These places have numbers on them, but I can't tell where we need to go. Should we ask someone?" Yukio questioned, stopping in his tracks.

"Lemme see!" Rin said, taking a look at the paper. He peered at it and glanced up and shrugged.

"I think we should ask. I have no clue," Rin said frankly.

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