Episode 42

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The swarm of angels were no match for Sadao who continually flung them aside with ease.

Rin watched this and clapped in happiness, eyes glittering with admiration.

While Sadao was distracted, Beelzebub entered the room walking beside an older Yukio.

"Big brother! Yukio!" Rin called out leaping from the throne and running to them.

"Wow you look different Yukio," he gushed, looking his brother up and down.

At this, Sadao's eyes flickered to them and he flew past the angels to stand before the three.

"Rin, Yukio, we're leaving!" Sadao ordered.

"Ah father. I don't think nows the time to be saying that," Beelzebub said, chuckling as he pointed forward.

Sadao followed his action and blinked. The angels were picking themselves up but demons were approaching all armed and ready for battle. At the sight of the demons, the angels began attacking at once.

"I don't have time to explain but right now we're taking over," Beelzebub commented.

"What?" Sadao questioned, turning to stare at him in shock.

The small orb appeared, floating above. Beelzebub took the orb in his hands and held it out. Within it, the image of fire came into view as humans were running while screaming.

"That's Assiah?! What happened?" Sadao shouted, grabbing the orb and holding it tight.

"Well, all I did was make a big enough gate to allow our armies access to the human world." Beelzebub stated with a shrug. "So don't get mad and try to kill me."

"The Demon's will kill the humans!" Sadao shouted, anger evident.

"You're lucky my sons are alright or I would kill you," he said calming down a bit.

"Father," Yukio muttered, earning his attention.


"I'm sorry...I'm Not strong enough to help you in this war."

"Huh? What are you talking about? This war is pointless if all we do is fight. My time in the human world has taught me that. You're smart, and that's nothing to be ashamed of." Sadao stated.

"That's cute but what are you going to do? We're kind of trapped in here right now due to those angels and Demon's fighting." Beelzebub commented.

"Well there's one thing we can do..." Sadao said.

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