Episode 45

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It was silent as Emi hung her head, partly in shame and partly in confusion. Having just witnessed her own allies slaughtering people in Assiah from the orb, she was left speechless.

"So, do you have anything to say?" Yashushi inquired, turning to face a large throne.

In it sat a figure hidden behind a blinding light with only their slender hands exposed. The figure had silently watched Yashushi take out the angels of their court and listened as he shouted.

 Now they sighed, their voice filled with sadness.

"It pains me greatly to see my children in such a state."

"Well You're God aren't you? Do something about it," Yashushi sneered.

"Tell me," Emi interrupted, "tell me he's lying. You didn't order this, please tell me that." She raised her head, eyes brimming with tears.

There was no words spoken and Emi sobbed softly.

Yashushi smiled and turned to the shuffling Lucifer, "Well then, are you happy? Once we're done, You'll be able to live here once  again!"

"Y-yeah," Lucifer muttered, rubbing his arm and avoiding eye contact. 

Yashushi turned, "So father who thou in heaven, what're you gonna do? The bulk of your army is in Gehenna with our daddy and your angels here are all defeated. There's no one here to fight your battles for you. I've always wanted to fight you."

"You can't kill me," 

"I know that, but it doesn't mean I can't seal you away."

It was quiet as God murmured, "This won't accomplish anything."


"Watch out!" Lucifer yelled. 

Yashushi glanced to the side and leapt out of the way as a blur of white filled his vision. When he landed on the gorund, a small piece of his hair fell to the ground as the end of a sword came into view. He chuckled softly and said, "Finally decided, Emilia the Hero?"

Emi wore a hardened expression as she held her sword in her palm. "I will stop you! You won't take over heaven's kingdom! Once i'm through with you two I will stop those angels in the human world, and i'll take down anyone who gets in my way!" 

"What bold words coming from a lone warrior," Yashushi muttered, his eyes narrowing as a red bladed sword appeared in his palm. 

The two stared at each other, waiting for one of them to make a move. Then with a smirk, Yashushi attacked. 

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