Episode 40

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When Sadao reached the outskirts of Mephesto's manor he paused as the sight of a crowd of white winged angels came into view, standing around with their weapons drawn.

Without a word, he produced a dark magical blast from his palm and shot it at them as he flew overhead. This caught them off guard and gave them no time to react as Sadao flew past them and burst through the wall of the mansion, landing in the midst of the rubble. He calmly walked forward and easily tossed aside the angels who appeared to stop him without bothering to look at them.

As his steps echoed against the marble floor, his aura gathered creating a massive dark cloud behind him. Although his senses were not in their peak, it wasn't difficult for him to pinpoint exactly where his sons were located and he stopped in front of a large bolted door.

Lifting up his hand, a small beam shot out of his fingers and sent the door flying off of it's hinges and into the opposite wall.

His eyes widened slightly as the dark blue haired youth came into view.

"Rin?" he whispered, stepping closer.

Rin was seated in a large chair like throne in a dark red cape-Sadao's cape- and wore an elegant set of garments lined with glittering jewels.
But the Rin in front of him wasn't as he remembered; he was older, much older around the age of Sixteen.

"Hi Daddy!" Rin exclaimed with glee as a wide smile broke out.

Despite his appearance and the deeper sound of his voice, it seemed Rin was still mentally the same age as before and Sadao found himself sighing in relief. It was much easier dealing with a child than a rebellious teen after all.

"Rin, I came to get you. We're going home now," he said.

"Home? But we are home, here in Gehenna. But I'm glad you came to play with me. That Angel guy said you would!"

"Play? What-"

The talking was interrupted for the roof caved in as several angels burst through all armed with their weapons.
"Attack!" one yelled shrilly as they all attacked as one.

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