Episode 11

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As Rin played with Kuro, the cat  explained his circumstances.

"Oh yeah! Mommy said for us to meet Father Fujimoto!" Yukio said, looking up at Sadao.

"That's so cool, your master knows our mommy. I'm gonna ask him if I can keep you!" Rin exclaimed, standing up and holding Kuro tightly. Kuro blushed at the comment and nestled into Rin causing him to giggle.

"If Yuri told us to meet him, I guess that's what we'll do," Sadao said, scratching his head.

It was a long walk to Kuro's master's home and once they got there, Sadao inwardly shuddered.

"What's wrong daddy?" Yukio asked, glancing up at him.

"Oh nothing really. It's just churches and daddy don't mix very well. Everyone who goes inside of a church always hates me."

"We don't hate you, we love you very much," Yukio said, squeezing Sadao's hand as tightly as he could.

"I know,"

Kuro leapt out of Rin's arms and ran into the church. "Master! Master! Guess who's here!"

There was a bit of talking before Kuro ran back outside excitedly as both of his tails swished back and forth. He stopped and rubbed himself against Sadao's leg as his master walked outside.

"You're Father Fujimoto Right?" Rin asked, looking up at him.

The man nodded. "And you are?" he asked gently.

"I'm Rin and that's Yukio and that right there is our daddy!" Rin said.

"Our mommy told us to find you. Her Name is Yuri," Yukio said, hiding behind Sadao's leg.

At the mention of Yuri, Father Fujimoto's face paled and he looked at Sadao. "You're...Satan..." He muttered in disbelief.

"I am, but I go by Sadao here in the human world right now. Nice to see you again,"

Rin looked between the two adults and could feel the tension in the air.
"Daddy's super strong you know!" He shouted. "So don't even think about doing any trisery!"

"Trickery!" Yukio corrected.

Father Fujimoto turned his gaze from Sadao and stared down at Rin who fearlessly glared up at him.

"I thought it was impossible for you to enter Assiah, the gate should have kept you within Gehenna," Father Fujimoto said, addressing Sadao.

"Yeah well about that, I could explain it to you but it's getting late and we need to get home. Yuri wanted us to stop by so that you'd know I'm in the area. I have no intention of fighting anybody right now. I'm trying to peacefully take over the world. Take care to remember the peacefully part. Come on Rin, lets go home,"

Rin followed after Sadao who walked off before stopping in his tracks. "Hey, can I keep Kuro with me?" He asked, turning and eying Father Fujimoto.

Father Fujimoto blinked in surprise at the request.

"Rin, lets go!" Sadao shouted.

Not being able to wait for a response, Rin's face fell as he ran to catch up with Sadao.

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