Episode 3

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Yukio and Rin found themselves underneath what appeared to be a slide.

Yukio and Rin turned around to see two other wide eyed children whose mouths were hanging open.

Rin scrambled out from under the slide dragging behind the sword while Yukio followed after him.

"How are we gonna find daddy?" Yukio questioned, looking around.

There were children playing all around and parents watching them. Yukio was unfamiliar with being surrounded by so many strange looking people and grabbed hold of Rin's hand.

"I think we should try to sense him! Daddy can't be that hard to find," Rin said. Both Rin and Yukio closed their eyes and tried to sense their Father's powerful essence.

It took a moment, but the faint essence of power was located.

Both of them opened their eyes and began to walk towards the power.

"I wonder what this place is?" Rin questioned, stopping and staring up at an building.

"It says, McRonald's. I wonder why daddy would be in a place like this?" Yukio questioned.

Rin pulled open the door and entered the building.

The smell of food wavered into their noses and Rin's stomach grumbled noisily.

"I'm hungry..." he mumbled, placing a hand on his stomach.

"There's Daddy!" Yukio exclaimed, pointing at the register.

There was a long line in front of the cashier who was no doubt Satan.

He was smiling and greeting the customers while taking their orders.

"Something's wrong With daddy," Rin said, cocking his head as a confused look crossed his face.

"Maybe he hit his head when he fell to earth?" Yukio suggested.

"Yeah, I think you're right," Rin agreed.
The two watched as the line slowly moved along.

"Should we follow those people?" Yukio asked.

Rin nodded and they both got in line.

As Yukio stood in line, he looked around at all the unusual looking people. There we a lot of adults and very few children. But the one thing everyone was doing, was eating something.

Yukio had never seen anything like that strange food before. He glanced up at the large menu above the cash register and read it.

"Burger..." he mumbled.

"Is that what the circle shaped thing everyone's eating is called?" Rin asked and Yukio nodded in response.

"I want to try one. Maybe daddy'll let is have some," Rin said.

The line moved again and continued to move up until Yukio and Rin were the last one's left. The two weren't yet tall enough to reach the counter so they had to stand on their tippy toes.

"Welcome to McRonald's, how may I help you?" The cashier said with a smile before looking down at the two.

"We found you Daddy!" Yukio and Rin said in unison.

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