Episode 17

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Sadao sighed as he stood beside Emi in a crowded shopping mall. "Emi, what  are we doing here?" he asked. 

Emi frowned and crossed her arms, "What do you think we're here for? We're shopping," She said as if this was the most obvious thing in the world. 

"For what?" Sadao inquired, moving out of the way as a couple walked past. 

"I noticed that your kids don't have any new clothes so I figured I'd get them some," Emi answered, turning away.

"How is that any of your concern? I mean, if you're paying then i'm not complaining but it isn't like you to act so..." Sadao trailed off.

"So what?! I can't do something nice for a couple of kids?!" Emi shouted, blushing. 

"W-well I guess I figured since they're, you know, MY kids that you'd think of them as pests or something like how your kind treats all demons," Sadao said with a shrug. 

Emi quieted down and thought about that. "I can't think of them like that..." She murmured, "They're cute..."

"Did you say something?"

"N-no! Let's just get this over with!" Emi shouted again, grabbing Sadao's hand and pulling him.

The two walked from store to store within the large mall searching for clothing. They found several items and successfully bought them. 

As they were doing that, Dorin was watching from afar, death in her eyes. Other shoppers knew better than to get in her way so they stayed as far away as possible. At the sight of Sadao helping Emi carry a bag, Dorin's patience snapped. She was on the verge of murder! She took a couple of steps forward, her head clouded in anger, bumping into a younger girl in the process. 

Both of them locked eyes. And then their eyes both trailed over to Sadao and Emi before going back to each other. Realization sunk in as both girl's understood they were both tailing Sadao and Emi.

"Who are you to Mr. Maou?" The girl asked.

Dorin's eyes lowered to the girl's unnaturally large chest and a twinge of annoyance crossed her face. "Who are you to Sadao?" She retorted, deciding to use his human name to identify him. 

The girl blushed and stared defiantly up at Dorin, her resolve unshaken. "I'm his co-worker. I work with him."

"Is that it?" Dorin asked.

The girl blinked, "I-i'm also a friend..."

Dorin relaxed slightly before looking smug, "Well it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm his wife,"

The last three words seemed to crush the girl as she looked dejected.

Dorin caught sight of Sadao taking another bag from Emi, his fingers brushing against her hand. "Sadao Maou! What do you think you're doing with another woman!" Dorin shouted, earning attention from everyone in the Mall as she stomped towards them. 

"D-dorin? W-what are you doing here!" Sadao shouted, catching sight of his co-worker in the background. 'C-chi?!" 

Both girl's gave him an angry and disappointed look. 

Dorin wordlessly approached and grabbed Sadao by his collar, dragging him out of the shopping mall, bags and all.

"It isn't what it looks like! I wasn't doing anything wrong! This-This is all just a misunderstanding!" Sadao protested, his words going unheard. 

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