Chapter 25

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Thanksgiving came quickly after and soon the family knew the Jack and Jackie were dating. On the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, Jack, Jackie, Bobby, and Ethel went on a double date.

"Well, isn't this funny!" Ethel commented when she got in the car.

"I know!" Jackie laughed.

"A real switcheroo!"

Jackie smiled as Bobby drove them to the movies.

"So how have you been, Jackie?" Ethel asked.

"I'm great and you?"

"Wonderful. I'm so happy with Bobby and I presume you are with Jack."

"Oh, happier than I've ever been."

"That's wonderful," Ethel smiled.

Jackie's dislike for Ethel began to disappear now that she was happy with Jack. After a fun evening, they headed back to the house where Ethel would stay for Thanksgiving the next day. "Where am I staying?" she asked Jackie when they arrived back at 9:00.

"You're staying in my room which is really the guest room, but I've lived there for months."

"Why?" Ethel questioned, "Don't you have a family?"

"It's quite complicated," Jackie replied as she fluffed the pillows, "My mother made my father have no contact with me and my sister. Plus, my mom and my sister are very... different from me."

"I understand. My mother's very old fashioned too."

"Well, I'm going to head to bed. You can go whenever you want to because there's the two beds so you won't wake me."

"Alright," Ethel smiled, "I think I'll go get some water then."

Jack smiled weakly and then changed into her pajamas. Afterward, she climbed into bed and drifted off to sleep.

The next morning she woke early to help Rose with the meal. It would be a huge meal to feed everyone. "Good morning, Jacqueline. Sleep well?"

"I slept wonderfully. How did you sleep, Rose?"

"I haven't had a full night's sleep since I was pregnant with Joe."

Jackie laughed, "Is that what children do to you?"

"Oh, Jackie; just wait."

Jackie grinned and then began to help as both her and Rose sipped at coffee. At the end of the day, when dinner time came, they all sat together at the table. "Well, let's go around and say what we are thankful for this year," Rose insisted.

After everyone else had gone, it was Jack's turn. Jackie sat next to him with her eyes looking lovingly at him as he spoke, "I'd like to say I'm thankful for a beautiful fiancée." Jackie did a double take as Jack slowly got on one knee, "Well, that was anti-climactic," Jack laughed, "If you accept, you'll have to remember that you'd be marrying a cripple."

Jackie began to cry as she helped Jack to his feet, "Jack, I'd accept no matter," She kissed him, "The answer is yes."

Everyone clapped and cheered for the couple and then Jack slipped on an engagement ring that had a diamond and an emerald. "It's beautiful, Jack," Rose commented as Jackie flaunted her ring.

"Jean helped me."

"Oh, Jean!" Jackie exclaimed hugging her.

After all of the family congratulated the couple, Joe Kennedy began to cut the turkey. Once, everyone was stuffed, the family retired to the living room. Jackie sat next to Jack and ended up falling asleep on his shoulder, "Jackie, he said gently shaking her to wake her.

Jackie blinked awake and then kissed his cheek, "I'm going to bed."

"I'm right behind you, Jackie," Ethel added.

Jackie went to bed and fell asleep rubbing her engagement ring gently.

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