Chapter 69

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    "Jack," Jackie moaned as she squinted at the sun entering their bedroom. She patted the bed searching for Jack and when she could finally open her eyes, she realized he wasn't there. She sighed quietly and then rolled over and went to sleep again.

    "Jackie, darling," Jack whispered waking her up a couple of hours later.

    "Hey," Jackie sighed as she gave Jack a quick peck on the cheek.

    "It's almost eleven in the morning, but you looked so peaceful that I didn't want to wake you up. Plus, Bobby told me that you felt weak so you needed your sleep."

     Jackie grabbed Jack's hand and he sat down next to her, "I love you so much."

      "I love you too, Jackie. Now get dressed in some comfy clothes and come downstairs. Harrison and Arabella have a surprise for you."

     Jack left her alone in the bedroom while she changed and met her at the bottom of the steps. Though Jackie very seldom wore sweat pants, she did that day, "You look beautiful,  Kid. Now, follow me."

"Mama! We make you a picture frame," Harrison said handing it to her.

"Oh, Harry," Jackie smiled. She sat down on the floor and Harrison and Arabella climbed in her lap, "Thank you, kiddos."

Jack sat down next to them after lifting Caroline out of the bassinet in the family room. After spending a couple of hours together, they enjoyed a late lunch and then Jackie went to make phone calls.

"Hello, how can I help you?"

"Hi, this is Jacqueline Kennedy. I need to make an appointment for my son."

    "Hold on just a moment, please," the woman ruffled through some papers and then returned to the phone, "Alright, so we can see Harrison on Monday. How does that sound?"

    "That sounds good."

    "How about nine in the morning?"

    "Yes, that's perfect. We will be there."

    Jackie hung up the phone and sighed. A minute later, Jack walked into the study. "Hey, did you get an appointment?"

    "Yep. Jack, I don't want him to have problems. I hate that he might be on medication for the rest of his life."

    "I do too." Jack hugged his wife and for just a moment, Jackie felt that everything was going to be alright.

    A second later, Bobby ran in, "Jack! Jackie!"

    "Bobby, we're in here!" Jack called back, "What's wrong?"

    "Jack, you're not going to believe what I just found out."

    "Well, spit it out," Jack replied tersely.

    "It's Rosemary and I can tell you this. It's not about her being in some god damned convent."

    "What the hell are you talking about?"

    "Dad," Bobby was breathless, "Dad did something really bad and it's bad, Jack. It's real bad."

    Jack stared at Jackie. Her face was pale and with her voice quivering she asked, "What did he do?"
    "He had Rosemary lobotomized and then he put her in some sort of mental facility."

     Jack could take a lot of things, but this wasn't one of them. So he began to cry.

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