Chapter 47

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    "You said you were due in December!" Jack said as Jackie leaned on him heavily.

    "No shit, Jack, but I didn't just pee myself."

    "Let's go. My car's right there. Can you make it?"

    Jackie held onto Jack as he helped her to the car, "I'll go tell Ethel and Bob to take care of Harrison."

    Jackie nodded through gritted teeth. A minute later, Jack was driving them to the hospital. "Jackie, I think we could work things out and maybe I could earn back your trust. I'm not happy with Marilyn. It was just a moment of weakness. I shouldn't have done it and I'm so sorry. I hurt my best friend and-"

    "Jack," Jackie said breathing heavily, "I'm in labor. Can we please discuss this later?"

    "Of course," Jack replied.

    When they arrived at the hospital, Jack helped Jackie inside and then a nurse wheeled Jackie into a room. "Would you like your husband present?"

    Jackie looked at Jack with scared eyes, "I'll stay with her."

    "Jack, you don't-"

    "You've been with me for everything. I'll stay with you."

    The nurse looked surprised as most men didn't stay with their wives through delivery. "You'll have to follow me, sir. We'll get you some scrubs to put over top of your clothes."

    Jack followed the nurse and when they returned, Jack was donning blue scrubs. "Blue really brings out your eyes, Jack," Jackie grunted.

    Three hours later, Jackie sat in her hospital bed, rocking her daughter, while Jack sat on the edge of her bed looking over Jackie's shoulder at their daughter. "She's beautiful, Jackie."

    "She's a Bouvier and a Kennedy; of course, she's beautiful. What are we going to name her?"

    "Oh, Jacqueline."


    "I've been such an ass. I promise you that that was and will be the only time-"

    "I don't want to talk about it right now. I want to name our daughter."

    "I want her middle name to be Bouvier."

    "Alright, how about Arabella for her first name?"

    "That's beautiful: Arabella Bouvier Kennedy."

    "Hey, Jack?"


    "If it's worth anything, I love you."

    "Jackie, if it's worth anything after what I've done, I love you too."

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