Chapter 43

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"Shit," Bobby moaned as Jackie told him that she was pregnant, "Well, we have to tell Jack."

"Why do we have to tell him? He didn't care that Harrison was crying while he was having sex with some tramp."

"Christ, Jackie. He's going to find out eventually!" Bobby yelled.

Jackie began to cry, "Why did he have to do this to me?"

"I'm sorry," Bobby said standing and walking over to hug Jackie, "It's not your fault and I shouldn't have yelled."

"It's not your fault," Jackie whispered through her sobs, "I'll never stop loving him."

"I know," Bobby said trying to soothe her.

Jackie hugged Bobby and then went up to her room to feed Harrison a bottle. She sat alone and waited to wake up from what felt like an awful dream. Then she began to cry. If Jack truly loved her, then wouldn't he be pounding on the door- "Jackie, open the door!"

Jackie jumped up and opened the door to find Teddy standing outside the door, "Ted, what's up?"

"Jack telephoned. He's going to be here in five minutes."

Jackie nodded and thanked Ted. After Ted left, she fixed her hair and makeup. Then went downstairs with Harrison to meet Jack.

She squirmed anxiously and she wasn't sure why she was so nervous. He was still her husband after all. Marilyn didn't have her fake acrylics dug into him yet. When the doorbell rang, she jumped, "I'll get it, Jackie," Teddy said.

Teddy led Jack into the room and much to Jackie's dismay, Marilyn followed behind them. Jackie made eye contact with Ted in an effort to beg him to stay. He must've gotten her eye signals because he sat down next to Jackie. "Ted, this is not your marriage."

"Jack, it sure as hell isn't hers either. Ted stays or we aren't talking," Jackie spoke up.

Marilyn rolled her eyes and Jack said, "Fine. I'm going to be straight to the point here. I think we should get a divorce."

Jackie nearly choked, "You're going to throw away all of those years of marriage for some slut?"

    Jack wasn't himself and it was obvious to both Teddy and Jackie. It must've been Marilyn's intoxicating smell of Chanel. "I suppose that's what I'm saying."

    "Do it, Jack. I fucking dare you. See where your political career goes. I hope it goes with you to hell," Jackie yelled standing up, "Send me the papers. I'll sign on the dotted line with a fucking smiley face." She then stormed out of the room leaving Jack in shock. Jackie swore, but very rarely did she drop such foul words, especially around his family.

"Bobby's her lawyer so... Ahh... You can call him," Ted said as he followed Jackie.

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