Chapter 99

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    "I must be seeing a ghost."

    "Jackie, I can explain."

    "If this is a joke, it sure as hell isn't funny."

    "It's not a joke, Jackie... I'm alive."

    "What is happening!"

    He walked toward Jackie and he touched her hand and looked her deeply in the eyes.

    "Joe, it is you," Jackie said breathlessly. Jackie stood up and hugged him and then smacked his arm, "What the hell were you thinking!"

    "I was on a top secret mission and it failed. They caught me then the Nazis got ahold of me. Once the US got me out they said I had to hide until they caught all of the son of a bitches that were involved. They caught 'em and now I don't have to hide anymore."

    "Joe, I don't understand how all of this could happen."

    "How's Mom doing? I heard that Dad died," Joe said quietly choking over his words.

    "She's hanging in there."

    "Is Kathleen alive?"

    "No, she actually did die."

    "I'm so sorry I put you all through this, but I had to."

    "I understand, but why did you come to see me first?"

    "I thought you'd be the least mad."

    "Oh, Joe, I'm just happy to see you, ya old man. Do you have a wife or kids?"

    "No, I've been in hiding. I wasn't allowed to get involved with anyone."

    "Oh my God, Joe. I feel like I'm dreaming. I gotta call Jack and your mother. Holy hell."

    Jackie got up and quickly dialed her house number, "Jack, you have to get down here."

    "What's wrong? I just got home."

    "There's somebody here that you're going to want to see... And bring your mother."

    Joe held Josephine while they waited and Jackie summed up the last twenty-six years for Joe. Finally, they arrived and Jackie got up and walked toward the door. She knew Rose could be faint at times and she wanted to be holding onto her in the event that she fainted.

    "What's going on, Jackie?" Rose asked.

    "What I'm about to show you is about the most shocking thing that will ever happen to you so I need you to be prepared for anyone to be in that room."

    "You're scaring me," Rose said grabbing Jackie's hand and squeezing it.

    "Hold onto her, Jack," Jackie demanded.

    They walked slowly into the room,

    "Dear God!" Rose exclaimed grabbing onto Jack and Jackie as her legs seemed to go out from under her.

    "Mom, it's me."

    "Joe! Joe! My baby!" she cried.

He came to her and hugged her, "Mama, I'm so sorry. It was a failed mission and people wanted to kill me... I had to go into hiding... I couldn't put all of you in danger and... I'm-"

"Shut up, Joe, and just let me hug you... I forgive you a million times over. I love you."

"I love you too, Mom."

Jack was standing and just staring, "Jack," Joe said after Rose finally let go of him, "Hey, how are you?"

Jack hugged him and burst into tears, "Joe, you're alive... I-I- can't.. believe it."

The next few days were full of chaos. Everyone was shocked over Joe's return. One night during the celebration of his return, Bobby and Jackie took a walk around the neighborhood. "This is craziness, Jackie... I'm in disbelief."

"I know, Bob, I just about fell over when I found out."

"I told Ethel and she was insisting on taking me to the hospital."

"I wish you're Dad would've gotten to see him again."

"Dad felt guilty about making Joe feel like he had to be the patriotic son."

"You're Dad wasn't perfect, but he was a helluva guy."

"We're one helluva family, Jackie."

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