Chapter 70

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"Jack, are you alright?" she asked quietly.

"Poor Rosemary. She never hurt anyone. She didn't bother anyone, but he did that just because she was different."

Bobby's lip quivered and before Jackie knew it, he was crying too.

     "How is she?" Jack asked, "Did you talk to her or her doctors or nurses?"

    "I talked to her nurse. She's happy and they're taking care of her. I'm sure she's be happy to see us. Why don't we take the trip?"

      "To where? Where's this facility?"

      "Wisconsin. What do you say, Jack?"

       Jack looked at Jackie and she gave him a nod, "I'd say when are we leaving?"

      Bobby smiled weakly and then quietly said, "I'm telling Teddy, but we aren't telling any of the girls. They'll blab to dad that we know."

     "I'll cover for you two."

     "Wait, what about you not being able to lift?"

      "They said I can start lifting stuff after a few days-"

     "No, why doesn't Teddy come stay with you?" Bobby suggested.

     "What if he wants to go?" Jackie asked.

      "We'll see how she's doing first and then we'll go see her a lot if she's alright with visitors."

      Jackie nodded.

      A few days later, Jack and Bobby packed up the car to drive to Wisconsin and Teddy came to stay with Jackie. While Teddy and Jackie took care of the three kids, Bobby and Jack made the longest drive of their lives.

When Jack and Bobby first arrived, they checked into a hotel and then spent an hour working up the courage to go and see Rosemary. "Jack," Bobby said nearly in tears, "How could he do this to her?"

"I don't know, but damn it, we drove halfway across the country to see her. And we're going to. You think we're scared? Imagine how scared she was and has been ever since all of this happened."

Bobby nodded nervously and then Jack drove them to the secure facility. The guard scrutinized them until Jack showed his identification. He then waved them through. Jack pulled up to an opening in the heavily wooded area. "There's a building," he said quietly to Bobby, "Let's head inside."

Jack led the way and soon they found themselves inside. It was a happy seeming place with artwork on the brightly colored walls created by the patients themselves. It wasn't what Jack or Bobby had expected. Jack ended up at the nurses' station and quietly asked, "May we see Miss Rosemary Kennedy?"

     The nurse frowned, "I'm afraid only family..." she then looked up, "Oh, I'm terribly sorry. Absolutely, follow me please."

      They followed the nurse to the furthest corner of the building and on the door hung a wreath with gingerbread men decorating it. "She always loved gingerbread cookies. Mom would never let her eat more than one at a time though," Jack said nostalgically.

     Bobby smiled at the nurse as she walked away and then he patted Jack on the shoulder. "Well, let's go."

     Upon seeing her, Jack's heart sunk. She looked small and weak, nothing like the Rosemary he had known before. He sat down next to her and grabbed her hand, "Hey, Rosie," he said softly, "It's Jacks. Remember me?"

       A faint smile appeared on her lips in an effort to say yes.

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