Chapter 107

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     "Bless us O Lord..." Jack began.

   "And these thy gift which we are about to receive from thy bounty, through Christ our Lord. Amen," the rest of the family finished.

   "I'd like to give a toast," Jack said raising his glass of wine. The whole Kennedy family was sitting around the table with Rose seated at one head of the table and Jack at the other. Jackie was of course next to Jack. Jackie held Josephine on her lap with the rest of her children around her, "July 28, 1973... My beautiful wife turned 44."

    "Don't tell them!" Jackie smiled and laughed.

    Jack grinned, "That day this year was the worst day of my life," Jack got looks from all of his family including his wife, "I'll explain. That morning was a normal morning. I woke up and I went for a follow-up after a check-up. So they had found something suspicious and they thought it was nothing, but then the biopsy came back. The doctor told me I had testicular cancer."

   Everyone gasped.

   "Yesterday, I had my last round of radiation. I am clear of cancer as of yesterday. This Thanksgiving, I am thankful for a clean bill of health and especially my wife. She kept this on her shoulders on her own. I am also thankful for all of you and my beautiful kids." Josie reached for Jack.

   "Up, Daddy, up!" Josie called to Jack.

  "Baby girl, I can't right now, but soon," Jack said and Jackie felt her eyes become wet. He hasn't been able to pick up Josie since his surgery in August. "I promise, Josie. The reason I'm saying all of this is because I've realized that after the presidency I haven't been a good father, husband, brother, son, uncle, or friend to any of you. I love you all. Though the pain I've gone through has been awful, this experience with cancer has made me realize what I've been missing. I have been spared so many times and I was miserable for half of a decade. I love you. You're my family and I'm sorry and I love all of you."

     Everyone sat quietly for a moment and then Bobby stood up walked over to Jack. Bobby hugged Jack tightly, "Jack, I'm so sorry. I was an ass and-"

    "No, I need to help you through what you're going through. I love you, Bob."

   "I love you too, Jack."

"Jack," Rose said in her gravelly voice, "My son, you've never been a bad son to your father or I. We're all so glad you're alright."

"Dad," Harrison said. His eyes were filled with tears. All of Jack's kids' eyes were filled with tears aside from Patrick and Josie who didn't really understand what was happening. Anna put her hand on Harrison's shoulder. Jackie noticed this and knew at that moment Anna was going to be a Kennedy one day.

Jack addressed everyone as all of the eyes in the room became wet, "I don't tell all of you this to make you sad. I just wanted to apologize for things that I have done wrong as well as open all of your eyes. We of all people should not take any time for granted. We've lost too much and we've experienced so much trauma over the years. I love you all. I don't say it enough. I truly love you all."

Jack began carving the turkey and everyone began to dig in. It was a celebration of sorts after Jack's speech.

That night Jackie sat alone in the living room drinking a glass of wine while watching television. Everyone was exhausted and so they all went to bed. Though Jackie was tired, she needed some time to decompress. While she was sitting there, she heard footsteps. Looking behind her, she saw Anna.

"Hey, sweetie. Can't sleep?"

"Guess not," Anna said quietly, "I didn't know you were down here. If you want to be left alone, I can-"

"Nonsense, please," Jackie patted the seat next to her on the sofa.

Anna sat down and then began to cry.

"What's the matter, pumpkin?" Jackie asked hugging her just like she would one of her kids.

Anna sobbed harder, "You've been so kind to me..." she hiccuped, "And I want to tell you something. I don't know how to tell Harrison and I feel like he's becoming upset with me about it. I don't want you to think I'm crazy..."

"Honey, it's okay."

"The reason I'm becoming a lawyer is because my entire family was murdered when I was sixteen. I lived in an orphanage, but I went to school still and made great grades. I was able to get a full scholarship to Harvard."

"Oh my... I'm so very sorry, Anna."

"Why are you afraid to tell Harrison?"

"I have struggled with PTSD and depression and I don't want to scare him away. I love him."

"Anna, tell him. Our family has struggled too."

   "What if he's upset I didn't tell him?"

    "Then I will kick his Kennedy ass," Jackie smiled.

   "I haven't celebrated Thanksgiving in two years. Thank you, Jackie. I haven't been a part of a family in so long."

   "You're part of ours now, pumpkin. No need to cry anymore." Jackie hugged her and allowed Anna to tell her heartbreaking story. The two didn't go to bed until well into Friday morning. When Jackie went up to bed,  Jack was awake, "Hey, why are you up?"

    "Couldn't sleep. Why are you still up?"

    "Anna and I just had a heart-to-heart."

    "Already?" Jack asked.

     "Yes. Poor thing was witness to the murder of her parents and sister when she was sixteen."

     "Holy shit," Jack muttered.

     "She didn't tell Harrison either. She was afraid she would scare him away," Jackie continued rubbing lotion on her hands before climbing into bed, "She's going to tell him today."


     "Also, she struggles with depression and PTSD so I told her she should talk with you and Bobby sometime too."

    "Who would've thought one day our kids would have significant others... damn time flies."

    "Yes, it does," Jackie yawned, "Goodnight, Bunny. I love you."

    "Love you too, Kid," he kissed her forehead and then turned the lights out as they drifted into a peaceful sleep.

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