Chapter 101

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Jack was laying in the hospital bed with a hospital gown on waiting for his scheduled surgery time. Harrison, Arabella, Caroline, Joe, Bobby, and Teddy waited with Jackie while Ethel and Joan watched the younger kids. Right before they were about to wheel Jack away for surgery, he asked for minute alone with Jackie, "Hey, Kid... I need to tell you something."

"What's that, Bunny?" She asked quietly.

"If I don't make it..."

"Jack, stop it."

"Jackie, quit being a God damn baby about this. If something would happen to me, there's a manuscript for a book in the safe... I want it published upon my death... Do you hear me?"

"Yes, Jack," she nodded as few tears ran off her cheek.

"Come now, I don't think that book'll be published for a long time."

"It's just that..." The nurse came in and interrupted Jackie. Jack looked at her to finish, but instead she just said, "I love you, Bunny."

The family waited and Bobby and Jackie took a walk through the hospital, "Well, did you tell him?"

      "Tell him that they think his mother has cancer right before he goes into surgery... No. I didn't. Bobby, what the hell is with this family. One good thing happens and ten bad things follow it. Damn it! Why can't God just cut us a break!"

      Little did Jackie know Rose was right behind her.

      "You know, your mother has been a mother to me and I just can't stand this. She's a good Catholic woman! She doesn't deserve this!"

      Rose put her bony hand on Jackie's shoulder, "Jackie, honey, the Lord won't give me a cross that I can't bear."

       Jackie burst into tears, "Oh, Mum, you always know the right thing to say."

      "The right thing to say now is that it's not cancer... The results just came back. I'm okay." Jackie hugged her tightly, "I love you so much, Jackie" Rose said in her raspy, accented voice.

"Oh and I love you, Mum."

Just then Joe came running down the hall, "Jackie, you gotta get back!"

"What happened?" Jackie asked holding Rose's hand.

"It... It's.... Jackie..." he began to cry and Rose fell into Jackie's arms.

"Joe, tell me what's happened?" Jackie asked shakily.

"Jack has gone into cardiac arrest."

"My God!" Rose cried out and then collapsed.

"Bobby!" Jackie shrieked, "Help me!"

Bobby ran to Jackie and helped her place Rose in a chair. Jackie then ran back to the operating room where Jack was, "Mrs. Kennedy! They revived him!"

"Oh my God!"

Jackie ran back to Rose, "Mum," Jackie said kneeling next to where she was laying across a few chairs, "He's okay. They revived him and finished the surgery." Jackie gently rubbed her back.

"Oh, Jackie," she breathed deeply, "My chest hurts."

"Get a doctor!" Jackie screamed.

And sure enough, hours later, Jackie was sitting holding Rose's hand in her hospital room. She was recovering from a heart attack.

Bobby walked in quietly, "Hey, how is she?"

"Hey," Jackie whispered, "She just fell asleep."

    "Jack's asleep too. Do you want to switch?"

    "I don't want to wake her. She was pretty shaken up from today and wanted my hand to hold so I'm kinda stuck."

    "Okay, we'll switch when she wakes up."

    Jackie nodded, "If Jack wakes up, tell him I love him."

    "Will do, Jackie. Love you."

    "Love you too, Bobby."

    He walked out of the room and Jackie fell asleep a few minutes later. Rose squeezed her hand, "What? What's wrong?"

    "Jackie," Rose had tears running down her cheeks.

    "What's wrong?"

    "I don't want to be alone anymore. I miss Joe... And...."

    "Shhh," Jackie said patting her hand, "I'll take care of it. You won't live alone anymore."

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