Chapter 32

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   "How can you speak to her after what she said to you, Jackie?" Rose asked as Jackie drove them to a fancy restaurant nearby the dress boutique.

   "Rose, she's carrying my best friend's child. She's going to marry your son and be my sister-in-law. We have to make amends sometime. I can't live out the rest of my years with us hating one another. Wouldn't that be terribly awkward and awful at holidays and such?" Jackie asked.
   "I suppose," Rose grumbled, "But she better not cause any more trouble in the family."

   When they pulled in at the restaurant, all of the girls got out and got a table. As they sat, they discussed the wedding and where they would go next to find bridesmaid dresses the next day. After eating a wonderful meal, the girls returned back to the compound and Jackie took a walk with Bobby around the block as they usually did. "How's Jack doing?" Bobby asked.

   "He's doing well. I miss him though."

   "I know. It's hell dealing with politicians schedules," Bobby replied.

   "How's Ethel?"

   "She's good. I heard you two had an awkward run in today."

   "It wasn't awkward at all-"

   "I know. She told me that you helped her find her dress."

   "I wish we could be better friends, Bob, but I don't know if that'll ever happen now. I know we can be civil, but I don't think she trusts me."

   "That may be my fault..."

   Jackie turned to face Bobby with a puzzled, yet slightly irritated look on her face, "And may I ask what in the hell you're talking about?"

   "I may or may not have commented that I tell you everything and that we're best friends and so on and so for forth."

   Jackie smacked Bobby on the arm, "And why is that a good idea to tell your future wife that?"

   "You know what I meant-"

   "I know what you meant, but she didn't, Bob. I've known you for years and we've always told each other everything, but your wife doesn't want to hear that your confident is another woman."

   As they continued walking, the neared the Bouvier house and Lee came outside to see Jackie, "Hey, Lee," Jackie smiled weakly.

   "Jackie, I need to talk to you, away from Mum."
   "Okay?" Jackie said raising an eyebrow.

   Lee joined Jackie and Bobby on their walk and began to spill her guts to Jackie. "Jackie, I can't deal with her anymore."


   "She doesn't have you to pick at anymore. So she just pick, pick, picks at me. What I wear; what I eat; which way I part my hair; the technique I use to comb my hair; the-"

   Jackie cut her off, "Lee, I don't understand."

   "When you get married," Lee began with pleading eyes, "Let your poor little sister move in with you and your husband."

   "Oh, Lee. I don't know."

   "Jackie, please," Lee pleaded, "She just gave birth to James and it's insanity over there. Oh, Jackie," she grabbed her arm as tears welled up in her eyes, "Please."

   Jackie glanced at Bobby, "Oh, Lee," she said hugging her, "I'll talk to Jack, but only after I talk to Jack will I give you a straight answer."

   "You're the best sister a girl could ask for," Lee replied and then took off in a dead run for the house because she had already been gone too long.

   Bobby smiled and poked Jackie, "Just what I thought."

   "What's that?" Jackie sighed.

   "A softy."

   Jackie rolled her eyes and shook her head as a smile emerged across her face, "Yeah, Jack's going to just love having Lee live with us."


   "Bobby, I've been holding Jack off for months about doing certain things-"

   "No damn way. Jack hasn't... Well damn, Jackie."

   "Do you see what I mean? He isn't going to want a fifteen year old running around the house."

   "Jackie, what you've made him do already is a miracle. He will do whatever the hell you want him to do."

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