Chapter 110

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It was now 1974. Jackie was three months pregnant now. She had a checkup and Jack was going with her. After today's checkup, they would tell the family about the baby. The Doctor was performing an ultrasound and his face changed. "What?" Jackie asked resting her hand above her growing bump.

He didn't answer for minute and then he smiled, "You're just going to keep surprising me, aren't you?"

"What?" Jackie asked nervously. Jack squeezed her hand.

"Jackie, it's twins."

Jack and Jackie left the Doctor's office in complete and utter shock. "Jack," Jackie said not knowing what to say, "Are you happy?"

"I'm thrilled. Is your body going to be able to take it?"

"I think so. We'll just have to listen to the Doctor. It'll be okay."

"How? I just don't understand. They said the odds were so low and now..."

"Well, they gave me fertility medication and shots to increase our odds and they told me it increased the odds of multiple births. Since our odds were so low, we never figured it would..."

Jack shook his head, "This is insane..."

Jackie was very tired when they got home so she went to take a nap. Bobby, who was doing much better, went to pick up Harrison and Anna for the weekend. When Jackie woke up, everyone was there for dinner. All of the Kennedys had been invited for a movie and pizza night. Of course, a pizza night at the Kennedy compound was a much bigger ordeal than for a normal family.

While the family was finishing up the pizza, Jack and Jackie held hands and stood up. "Jackie and I would like to share something with all of you. So as all of you know, I had testicular cancer. Before my surgery, they preserved certain viable parts and through a miracle and a wonderful Doctor, Jackie and I are excited to announce that we are expecting twins."

Many jaws dropped. "Jackie," Jean said in shock, "You're going to be forty five years old!"

Jackie didn't react and calmly said, "Jean, this is a decision that Jack and I made together."

Bobby stood and hugged Jackie, "I think it's wonderful, you two. If you need anything, you know where to find me."

"Same here," Joe said.

"Me too," Teddy agreed.

Jean, Eunice, and Pat were a little less supportive. It wasn't because they weren't excited for them; it was more anxiousness for Jackie's age.

"I think it's just wonderful!" Rose said near tears.

"Thank you, Mum," Jackie smiled.

     Caroline squealed as did Arabella, "Can we help you shop?"

     "Of course! I would love that!"

     John and Patrick both said, "I hope they're boys!"

      Josie excitedly said, "Can I get a little sister?"

    Harrison was quiet about the whole thing.

    Anna very politely congratulated Jack and Jackie by hugging them. Still, Harrison didn't say anything.

Before they knew it, it was May. Jackie was having an unusually easy time with her pregnancy. Since she was carrying twins, they hadn't been able to hide it anymore. The press had broken the story and were running with it. Some magazines praised Jackie and others said the former First Lady wanted attention. It didn't matter what she did the press found a way to turn it around.

Harrison and Anna had come home for the summer. Anna didn't have anywhere else to go obviously. Aside from that, the Kennedys loved her and loved having her anyway.

One evening Harrison was sitting with his mother. "Mom, I just can't believe that you're having more kids."

Jackie rested her hand on her already humongous stomach, "The best gift I have been given and that I have given is you kids. God gave me the best kids and the best gift I gave your father was children."

"Mom, it's just unbelievable... I mean you're forty four soon to be forty five!"

    "Harrison, I understand your worry and appreciate it, however, I am an adult and made this choice."

      "I just love you, Mom. I'm worried about you."

    "Harrison," she said scooting off the couch and doing a strange maneuver to stand as her stomach was already very protruded, "You needn't worry. I wouldn't have done this if I didn't think I could handle it," she walked over to him and planted a kiss on his head, "And I love you too. Now, I am tired so I'm going to go to bed, but no more worrying."

    Harrison nodded as she walked away. When his father came downstairs moments later, he was cool. It has been brewing inside Harrison since he found out. Yes, he was happy for his parents. At the same time, they were too old for this in his opinion. Mostly, he felt his father should've never put this on his mother. Even though Anna had tried to calm him down, he was still upset.

     "Hey there, son," Jack said sitting down.


       "How are you?"


        "How's Anna?"


       Jack nodded. He knew what Harrison's problem was. He saw it in his face the moment they had announced the twins.

      "You wanna talk man to man or do you want to be all pissy?"

     "I'm not being pissy! I'm worried about Mom!"

     "Bullshit, I know exactly what your problem is."

      "Fine then, what is it?"

      "Your issue is with me. Not anyone else. You're pissed because we are having more children and that supersedes this player image you want to put out there in the media. Anna's a lovely girl. You need to quit doing this to her."

     "Fuck off, Dad."

      "Hey, Jackass. I'm trying to help you. I was the same way. I was a player and you know I didn't realize what I was losing until I lost it. Then I was damn lucky to have your mother take me back. It's not the 50s anymore. Women deserved better then, but now they know that they deserve better. Anna might not give you the second chance your mother gave me," Jack stood to leave.

    "Anna loves me!" Harrison yelled, "I just wanna have fun sometimes and she's like Mom. She won't do things. I need a Marilyn."

     Jack turned to Harrison angry at the mention of Marilyn. "You never need a Marilyn. All you need is a Jackie."

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