Chapter 109

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Jack and Jackie sat on the floor of the bathroom together. It was two weeks after the treatment and Jackie had just taken a pregnancy test. They were both nervous. The Doctor had encouraged them not to get too excited because they only had one shot and it didn't usually work the first time. So they hugged on the bathroom floor anxiously awaiting the result.

      "Jackie, no matter what happens, know how much I love you."

      "I love you so very much, Jack." The timer Jack had set went off. Jackie held his hand, "Just one more minute."

     "Jackie, don't be nervous. It's okay either way. I just wanted to try. I know the odds of it actually happening are so few."

    Jackie took a nervous deep breath, "Okay, I'm ready." Jack picked up the test and looked at it. A laugh came from him, "What? Don't mess around, Jack!"

    "You're pregnant... I can't believe it. You're actually pregnant."

    Jackie began to cry, "I'm just so happy that it worked!" she said through sobs.

   "Oh Lord, here we go with the hormones," Jack laughed as he kissed her forehead.

   "I need to call the Doctor. He wants to keep a close eye on me and the baby since I'm older now."

   Jackie went to make the phone call and Jack stared at the little pink stick, "Thank you, God. I mean it... Thank you."

   Jackie returned to Jack, "He wants me to come in to make sure it was a true positive."

   With the wind mildly knocked out of their sails, they went to see the Doctor. The Doctor ran a few tests and then came into the room with Jack and Jackie. The Doctor's eyes were wide, but bright, "I can't believe I'm able to say this... Congratulations, yet again, Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy."

   Jackie squealed and flung her arms around Jack. He kissed her on the cheek.

   "Now, please understand that we are not in the clear yet. Miscarriages are still quite possible at your age. So you need to be very careful and take it ever so easy. Stress needs to be completely avoided."

    Jackie nodded and so did Jack.

    The drive home consisted of both of them rambling about all things baby related. They had decided, however, that they were going to wait until the last possible day to tell the family. The last thing they wanted was the loss for everyone.

  That night they went to bed early and Jack rubbed Jackie's stomach. "Our baby is in there," he whispered.

   "I know," Jackie replied quietly.

    He continued rubbing her stomach, "They are our miracle baby."

Jackie fell asleep with her head on her husband's shoulder.

Two weeks later brought Christmas. Harrison and Anna were driven home by Jack and Jackie went to her doctors appointment. She was now one month along. She was due August 25. However, her doctor had suggested she deliver earlier for safety precautions. Jackie said she would strongly consider it and went home. She went about her housework humming and whistling all the while, "What in heaven's name has gotten into you, my dear girl?" Rose asked.

     "Oh it's nothing, Mum."

     "Mmhmm, I was born at night, but not last night," she joked in her gravelly voice.

     "Oh fine!" Jackie stomped over to her jokingly, "You cannot fell anyone! You especially can't tell my husband that I told you!"

     Jackie sat down next to her, "I'm pregnant!"

     "But how?" Rose asked excitedly, "I mean congratulations, but I thought..."

      "Well, before Jack's surgery they froze some of his stuff and he wanted to try to artificially. Our odds of actually having a baby were like nothing. Then we found out-"

     "That you were pregnant..." Rose hugged her, "Oh, Jackie!!! I'm thrilled for you!"

     Jack came in the door with Harrison and Anna, "You know nothing," she whispered. Rose zipped her lips, "Hi! How is everyone?"

      "Damn car killed my back," Jack moaned.

      "I'm sorry, Bunny."

    "No, no. It's alright. How are you?"

   "We're good!" 

   "Who's we?" Harrison asked.

  "Grandma and I." Jackie smiled kissing him on the cheek, "Hi, Anna!" Jackie said hugging her and kissing her on the cheek too. 

   "How are you, Jackie?" Anna asked happily.

  "Doing well. How were finals?"

 "Good, good!" Anna answered.

  "How about you, my son?" Jackie asked.

  "They went well! I'm glad they're over."

  "Your siblings will be home shortly. They are very excited to see you. I sent them all off this morning and all they could talk about was their big brother Harrison and his beautiful girlfriend coming home today. Maybe you two could go pick them all up? They would love it!" 

   "Sure, Caroline and Arabella get out in like twenty minutes. We had better go."

   Harrison and Anna went out the door to go pick up all of the kids. 

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