Chapter 51

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"I missed you, Jackie," Jack whispered as he held her in his arms.

"I missed you too, Jack. Now, go to sleep."

"I'm just too happy to sleep."

"Well, I'm going to sleep."

"I love you, Mrs. Kennedy."

"Jack, I love you so very much."

The next morning Jackie woke up and went downstairs to start the coffee. She yawned and stretched while she stared at their gorgeous Christmas tree. "Good morning, my beautiful wife," Jack said coming from behind her and kissing her neck as he wrapped his arms around her.

"Merry Christmas, my darling," she smiled leaning on him slightly.

"Merry Christmas. Are the kids awake?"

"Not yet. We can have some breakfast while they're asleep. I was just going to get some coffee and a couple of cookies."

Jack nodded and they sat together. Jack put his hand on Jackie's lower thigh and she smiled. For the first time ever, Jack wasn't being all touchy-feely with her in a sexual way. It was more affectionate than that. After they ate breakfast, Jackie stood up, "I'll have to go get dressed."

"Why?" Jack asked, "You look beautiful."

"Fine, I'll wait until I absolutely have to get changed to go to your parents' house."

Jack smiled. For the first time since they had split up and got back together, Jack saw Jackie in her rawest state: no makeup, hair undone, pajamas wrinkled. This was something he missed. He pulled Jackie over onto his lap, "You're beautiful. How did I get so lucky?"

Jackie smiled at him, "I don't know, but you are pretty damn lucky."

The whole family gathered for dinner at Rose's and Joe's home. After eating and opening presents, everyone retired to the living room where people began to dose off while the news played on the television. Bobby and Jackie sat next to each other watching the kids play with their news toys while feeding their youngest children bottles. "My life is wonderful," Jackie whispered to Bobby.

"Mine too," he said smiling at all of his children playing by his feet.

"Everything happens for a reason, you know? Like, Jack cheated on me and it sounds bad, but it made us stronger. He's still earning my trust back, but eventually we will be better than ever before. We can get through anything now."

"It's because of Arabella that you two got back together."

"I know. She's our miracle and so is Harrison."

"Will you have anymore?" Bobby whispered.

"Eventually. Like I said, we aren't where we once were, but eventually I'll be ready to be intimate again with him. How about you and Ethie?"

"Whenever God gives us another blessing, we'll take it."

Jackie smiled at Bobby, "Harrison, are you ready to go home?" Jackie held Arabella in her one arm and picked up Harrison with her other. "Merry Christmas, Bobby."

"Merry Christmas, Jackie," Bobby said quietly.

"I have to go wake my sleeping husband," Jackie grinned stepping over wrapping paper, toys, and children, "Jack," she bumped his knee with her own, "Bunny," Jackie whispered, "Let's walk home."

Jack stood up slowly and groaned, "Damn couch hurt my back. Harrison, come to Daddy," Jack reached for his son.

"I'll come back over and get the kiddos' presents if you'll get them to bed."

"Sure," Jack yawned.

They walked back to their house holding their children and after arriving home, Jackie left Jack to put them to bed while she grabbed all of their Christmas presents. She walked back over to the main house and gathered up all of their gifts in paper shopping bags. "Need any help?" Joe yawned.

"Sure," Jackie said handing him a few bags, "Everyone over does it every year."

"Not only that, but there are so many of us buying for each other."

"I know. Harrison and Arabella are set for clothes and toys until next Christmas."

After carrying everything back to Jackie's and Jack's home, Joe kissed Jackie on the cheek, "Merry Christmas, hon."

"Merry Christmas, Joe."

After Joe left, Jackie went upstairs and found Jack feeding Arabella a bottle, "She's almost asleep," he whispered, "And Harrison was asleep while I dressed him in his pajamas."

Jackie smiled, "I'm going to draw myself a bath. When you're done here, you can join me."

Jack's eyes widened, seemingly in shock. Jackie left him with Arabella and drew them a bath and lighted a few candles. When Jack came in, Jackie was waiting for him as promised. After he undressed and gently lowered himself into the tub, Jackie kissed his cheek. "I love you so much."

"I love you, Jackie."

After they had soaked in the tub long enough to soothe Jack's back and for Jackie's skin to become prune-like, they got out and got in bed. "Goodnight," Jackie said kissing him before she rolled on to her right side.

"Night, Kid."

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