Chapter 95

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        "Wow," Harrison said stunned, "I can't believe it. Well," he said hesitantly standing up to hug Jackie, "Congratulations are in order."

"Thank you, Harrison. I love you my big grown-up boy.

"I love you too, Mom." Her once tiny baby was now taller than her after his growth spurt and he would soon be 15, "When will I be meeting my newest sibling?"

    "The end of April."

    "Wowza, that soon?"

    "Yes, Harrison, please don't tell anyone. With the way your father's been... I just don't know what to make of it."

    "We should all be happy," Harrison wisely stated.

    "We raised a good kid," Jackie smiled at her son.

    "A very good one and four more slightly above average ones," he chuckled.

    She lightly smacked his arm, "Go on and get your slightly above average siblings up. We're going to the mall today, remember?"

He nodded and climbed the steps slowly. Jackie sat quietly stirring the sugar into her tea. Harrison was right, she'd raised five good kids. What was one more?

An hour later, Jackie was driving down the highway with all of her kids in the car. Harrison and Arabella sat up front while John, Patrick, and Caroline bickered in the back. Jackie cranked up the volume of the car radio which was now blasting, "White Christmas". The younger kids continued to bicker so Harrison turned around, "Kindly, zip your traps. It is Christmas break and we are going to the mall with our mother. What do we need to be bickering about?"

"Sorry," Caroline said looking at her feet.

"Sorry," John whispered.

"I say I'm sorry, Mama," Patrick chimed in.

"It's quite alright. Let's just have a nice trip together. That's all I want."

When they arrived at the mall, Caroline's friends did not want anything to do with her because Patrick wanted to go with them. "Mama, I want to be with Caroline."

"It's fine, Mom," Caroline said shrugging her shoulders, "Why would I want to be with people that won't let my little brother tag along. Come on, Pat, we can go buy a gift for Mommy if you want."

He clapped his happily. "Kids, we're meeting back here at the food court at 1:30 for lunch and then we'll look for a present for Daddy."

John and Harrison went off together and Arabella went with Caroline and Patrick. Jackie stood by herself watching her kids walk away from her. It was that moment she realized she was happy about the baby growing inside of her. She missed having a little one. At the same time, her age made her nervous, but this little one would have so many loving siblings that they would be alright after all. So she decided then and there that she would break the news to Jack on Christmas Eve, the next day.

The kids got most of their shopping done and they all met at the food court as planned for a quick lunch. "What can we get for Dad?" they began discussing.

"I don't even know what he likes anymore..." Arabella said quietly, "He basically locks himself in his bedroom or the office."

"Maybe a nice shirt and tie?" John suggested.

"He's got so many though," Caroline reasoned.

"A book?" Patrick asked.

"Nah," Harrison said, "How would we know what he's read or hasn't read? Or even if he'd like the book."

"Mom, ideas?" Arabella asked totally defeated.

"What about a game he can play with you kids?"

"A board game... For Dad?" Caroline asked raising and eyebrow.

"Never mind..." Jackie said after thinking, "Golf... No his back... Well what about... A record?"

"He has all of his favorite albums," Harrison said.

"Well, there's that From Elvis in Memphis album. He likes Elvis... Doesn't he?" Arabella asked quietly.

"Yeah, get him that," Jackie nodded supportively.

So the family went to buy the album and then they returned home, "Go on in the living room and I'll get the paper, tape, and scissors." Jackie walked upstairs and found Jack in his office.

"Hey-a, Mr. Kennedy," Jackie said playfully.

"What?" he asked shortly.

"John Kennedy! If you cannot look up for one minute to greet your wife-"

"Calm down!" he snapped.

"Jack, don't you raise your voice to me! I came to tell you we were home safe and sound, but it seems as though you weren't very concerned. I apologize for bothering you Master Kennedy."

He groaned as she walked away and he stood, "Jackie, God damnit, I don't need this from you."

"Jack, I need a supportive husband... I'm trying to raise five kids by myself while I'm five months pregnant!!!" she was screaming at this point.


She knew what she had said and Jack grabbed her hand. He looked at her and his face softened, "What?" He asked again only calmer this time.

"I'm pregnant, Jack. Due at the end of April... I didn't tell you because of everything and... And... I thought you'd notice eventually, but you didn't and then it just got harder and harder to get the nerve up. You know? And you made that comment the other day it just..."

Tears rolled off Jack's cheeks as he pulled his wife close to him and hugged her tightly. "Never let me force you not to tell me something. We're partners here. I haven't been much of one for you lately. I'm sorry. I'll try harder."

"Jack, I want you to try therapy. Your mind hasn't been right since Vietnam. Your thinking is cloudy, you're moody and agitated, the kids never see or talk to you... Please, for me and our baby, see someone for help."

He nodded, "I will. If it means that much to you... I will."

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