Chapter 100

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    "Look at him," Jackie said patting Jack's leg. It was 1973 and the whole family was at Harrison's high school graduation. He was the valedictorian and was about to give his speech.

Jack smiled and bounced small Josie on his lap. Rose sat next to Jackie and smiled, "Dad would be so proud."

"Hello, parents, teachers, and fellow students. We've made it. Parents, you've made it through all the late nights of helping your kids with homework; teachers, you have survived yet another year; and fellow students, we begin a new chapter of our lives at this juncture. Once this is over, we will all depart and go our separate ways, but we will all have this common tie back to this high school. Everything that has occurred here will always stay with us. So today, I will not cry when I see us all going our separate ways, but I will smile at the thought of all of us starting a new life and fulfilling our dreams and goals. Congratulations, Class of 1973!" Jackie began clapping as a huge smile of accomplishment crossed Harrison's face.

"He did it, Jackie," Rose said grabbing Jackie's hand, "He did a wonderful job!"

After graduation, the Kennedy's all met back at the compound for a huge meal to celebrate. Joan and Ethel had cooked because everyone else had attended graduation. "There's our boy!" they squealed when Harrison entered, "How'd you do?"

"It went great!"

"That's wonderful! Now, sit, sit. Auntie Ethel and I made a great dinner for everyone."

Jackie walked in carrying Josie on her hip, "Hey, we heard it went great!"

"Oh, it did. I can't believe I have a high school graduate!"

"I know what you mean," Ethel said, "Well, sit, eat , and relax."

They ate their dinner and then Jack and Jackie's family returned home. Patrick and Josie were put to bed and left the older kids to sit with their parents. After awhile thought, even they went to bed. While Jack and Jackie were getting ready for bed Jack sighed and said, "I miss our babies being babies."

    "Josie's still a baby."

    "I mean Harrison... He was so small and..."

    "We almost ended it then."

    "I know and that was all my fault. I'm a better man because of my beautiful wife."

    "Aw, Bunny, I love you so much," Jackie smiled as she threw her arms around Jack and kissed his cheek.

    "Love you too, Kid. Well, we got one kid graduated and only five to go."

    "I know... Three in a row. Arabella next year; Caroline the next. Then we have a few years before John, but it's going to go fast."

    "Very fast... Jackie, sit down," Jack said patting the bed, "We need to discuss something."

    "What's that?" she asked sitting down beside him.

    "My doctor and I talked about a different kind of treatment for mY Addisons's."

    "But why? You've used those supplements for years."

    "They've stopped working. It takes about everything I have in me to get up in the morning."

    "So what are they going to do?"

    "Well, Doc says that there's a new think called a cortisol pump that they can put in me. It's expensive and risky, but if I don't do something... I'm going to die."

    "No, you aren't allowed to die. Not here; not now," Jackie kept a stoic face as she blinked a few tears out.

    "I'm not going to die, Jackie," he said putting his arm around her.

    "What are you going to do?"

    "I'm going to get the pump put in and go to church and pray that the surgery goes well. It'll all be okay."

    "I'll be praying with you, Bunny."

    Jackie gently rubbed his back, "I'm a little scared."

"I know, Jack," she said leaning on him, "I am too."

They sat quietly for a few minutes until Jackie asked, "When is your surgery?"

"Wednesday. I'll be in the hospital for about a week."

Jackie sucked in her break, "Well, we better head to bed."

"I suppose we should."

They went to bed and Jackie laid quietly. She didn't sleep. she just kept thinking about Jack. Josie was only three years old. She couldn't stand the thought of anything happening to him. The man that had gone from a womanizer to a beloved public figure, caring brother, adoring son, doting father, and loving husband was her whole world and if she lost him, her world would be turned upside down.

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