Chapter 85

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Jack's eyes were wide, "Jackie, are you sure?"

"The doctor came and confirmed it."


"This morning."

"When did it happen?"

"Before Christmas I think."

"You're that far along?"

"Yeah," Jackie said tearing up, "We're having another baby."

Jack brought her in closely as they continued dancing. "I can't believe it. I'm going to be a Daddy again and..."

Jackie smiled and held him tightly, "I love you, Bunny."

"I love you so much."

    When the song ended, Jackie kissed Jack on the cheek, "Go mingle. This is your big party. Knock 'em dead, babe."

    Jack was reluctant to leave Jackie, but with some convincing, he finally went to socialize while Jackie did her usual duty on the dance floor. Lyndon Johnson was the first to come dance with her. "Jackie, Pauline is just thrilled to be working for you."

    "She seems like a lovely young lady."

    "She is. I know I shouldn't have..."

    "Lyndy," Jackie said actually feeling sorry for the man, "We all make mistakes. My own husband has made the same mistake. You cannot let your mistakes define you. Just between you and me, I think you handled this situation in the best way possible."

    "I really appreciate that."

    "Well, I do. You could've been an ass about it, but instead you figured out a way to keep your baby and her in your life. Now, when is she due?"

    "April. I still don't know what to do with Claudia."

    "What do you mean?"

    "I feel like a lying scumbag if I don't tell her, but it could ruin my marriage."

    "It will break her heart."

    He sighed and hugged Jackie when the song ended, "I appreciate everything, Jackie. I couldn't imagine my life without you, Jack, and the kids in it."

    Jackie danced with many of the other gentlemen at the ball and then finished the night dancing one more dance with her husband, "Jack, I'm going to call it a night. I'm exhausted."

    "Okay, darling," he kissed her on the cheek, "I'll see you later, Kid."

    Jackie went back to the table and put her shoes back on. Then she went upstairs to check on her kids and go to bed. She found the kids with Pauline Baker. They had a big blanket on the floor as well as some pillows. The kids surrounded Pauline with each of them holding onto a book. "Where's Mrs. Shaw?"

    "She was sick so she asked me if I would stay with the kids. I hope you don't mind."

    "No, not at all. Thank you."

    "They're all bathed. Harrison told me the nightly routine. He said that they each got to pick a book to read."

    "Very good, Harrison. Thank you for being helpful to Miss Pauline."

    "Sure, Mama," he grinned shyly.

    "Well, it looks like you have everything under control at the moment. Do you mind if I put my PJs on while you guys read?"

    "Not at all. Take your time."

    "It's good practice, huh?" Jackie smiled.

    "Sure is."

    Jackie went to her bedroom, changed into her PJs, and washed her face. After she took her hair pins out, she pulled her hair back into a short and stubby ponytail. Then she returned to her children and Pauline. "Have we finished all of our books?" Jackie asked.

    "Yes, we have," Pauline said smiling.

    "Whatcha think, do you want to put the girls to bed or the boys?"

    "I'll take the girls. John would probably rather be put to bed by you."

    "Wow, you learn fast," Jackie smiled, "Alright girls. Give me a kiss and let Miss Pauline put you to bed. Jackie's girls kissed her and then led Pauline to their bedrooms. Surprisingly for Jackie, John went to bed very easily. After she kissed him goodnight, she went to kiss Harrison, "Mommy?"


    "I like Miss Pauline."

    "You do?"


    "Me too. Goodnight, sweet pea."

    Jackie walked out of Harrison's room just as Pauline was leaving Arabella's room, "Girls go down okay?"

    "They were pretty sleepy."

    "I'm pretty wired now. I was tired, but now I'm awake again. If you're not too tired, you are welcome to join me for a nice cup of herbal tea."

    "I would love to."

The two women sat in Jackie's study and talked. "So how did you and Lyndon meet?"

"I was interning as his secretary and one thing led to another. It was only once and it was a mistake, but-"

"Your baby is not a mistake. Everything happens for a reason. Lyndon tells me you're due in April. Well, we will need to get a nursery set up for you. The kids love you already and I think Mrs. Shaw can use some help, especially with the new baby."

"You're expecting?"

"Yes. I'm due in late August."


"Aw, thank you. Listen, I just want you to know that I will be here for you. You're young and you're going to be a new mom soon. It's scary and it's honestly a living hell at first, but if you're lucky enough to find someone that can guide you to do the right things, you're in good shape."

She wiped away a stray tear, "I'm really thankful for that, Mrs. Kennedy."

"Please call me Jackie," Jackie sighed and stretched, "Well, I'm headed to bed. Have you checked out your room? Is everything to your satisfaction?"

"It's wonderful. Thank you. I'll see you in the morning, Jackie."

Jackie went up to bed and crawled under the covers. Awhile later, Jack joined her. He kissed her and then they both drifted into a blissful sleep.

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