Chapter 57

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    Bobby ran in behind Jackie out of breath, "Holy shit, Jackie."

    Jackie laughed, "Jack, are you ready to go? Bobby and I made some plans for the kids to spend time together."

    "Sure," Jack said as Jackie held on tightly to his hand to pull him off of the couch, "Harrison, come to Daddy!"

    Harrison ran to Jack, "Daddy!" he squealed. Jack picked him up as Jackie grabbed Arabella from the play mat on the floor.

    "We'll meet you at the house, Bob," Jackie grinned.

    After Jack and Jackie packed an overnight bag, they left for Bobby's house, "Hey, Kid, is Ethel going to be there?"

    "No; she went to her mother's for a few days. She had a miscarriage and her and Bobby are having some marital problems. That's why I wanted to go over and help him with the kids."

    Jack nodded understanding his brother's struggle from his and Jackie's own personal experience. When they arrived, they unloaded the car and went inside the house. Children were screaming; Bobby was yelling; and all hell was breaking loose. "Aunt Ki-Ki! Uncle Ack!" squealed Robert.

He ran toward Jackie and hugged her, "Hi, sweetheart," Jackie grinned as bent over to kiss her nephew's head.

"Aunt Jackie!" Kathleen smiled running to Jackie's side to hug her.

"Auntie Jackie!" Joseph came running from the kitchen into Jackie's arms.

"Ki-Ki!" David squeaked as he toddled toward the group hug.

Jackie hugged all of them while holding onto Arabella. Jack and Bobby glanced at each other while Jack held Harrison and Bobby held Mary. "You're wife is very popular with everyone."

    "I know. How'd she end up with me?" Jack replied laughing.

     Hours later, after all of the wound up children were asleep, Bobby, Jack, and Jackie crashed on the couch, "Jack, you wanna beer?"

    "Sure, Bob," Jack sighed kicking off his shoes.

    "Jackie, can I get you anything?"

    "Sparkling water would be great," Jackie replied laying back on the couch.

     Bobby returned quickly with the drinks and sat on the chair opposite of Jackie and Jack. Since he had left, Jackie had curled up in Jack's arms with her legs tucked underneath her and he head on Jack's shoulder. Bobby smiled a little, "I miss these kind of times."

      "Me too, Bob. We haven't gotten the chance to just get together and relax in a long time," Jackie agreed.

     "The last time we did this was before Kathleen was born," Jack commented.

      "Geez, that was six years ago then," Bobby sighed.

       "Gosh, you've had five kids and I've had two," Jack realized.

      Jackie smiled as she placed her hand on her stomach, "Make that three in November."

     Jack smiled at his wife and put his hand over top of hers. "So," Jackie said taking a sip of her water, "What is the plan for us adults tonight?"

"I'm game for anything."

"How about some Clue?" Bobby asked standing up.

"I'm good as long as I get to be Miss Scarlett," Jackie said.

Jack laughed as Bobby went to get the board game. After a few rolls, Jackie burst out, "You're cheaters! You're both cheaters!"

Bobby and Jack grinned. They had been cheating off of one another while Jackie was struggling to guess anything.

"I'm not going to play with cheaters," Jackie said sarcastically.

       Bobby and Jack laughed and grinned.

      "What a bunch of assholes!" Jackie shook her head as she laughed uncontrollably.

       A small, soft voice then called from upstairs, "Aunt Jackie!"

       Jackie placed the dice she was about to roll on the table and dashed upstairs, "What's wrong, Kathleen?"

       "Can we talk in my room?" she whispered in Jackie's ear. Jackie nodded and let Kathleen lead the way to her room, "Aunt Jackie, I had a nightmare."

       "About what?" Jackie asked.

       "My mommy. She never came home."

       "Well, that's not going to happen!" Jackie smiled confident in her answer as she rubbed Kathleen's back.
       "She's already never home."

      "How about I cuddle with you, sweetie pie? Will that make you feel better?"

      Kathleen nodded and the two laid on the bed. After a little while, both fell into a peaceful sleep.

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