Chapter 93

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In 1969...

Harrison had just turned 14; Arabella, 13; Caroline, 12; John, 9; and Patrick, 6. The kids were all anxiously awaiting Christmas break and Jack and Jackie were dreading it. It seemed as though when the kids were trapped together for too long, they wanted to kill each other. So on the day before break. Jackie went to all of their schools and dropped off homemade Christmas cookies for their homerooms in an attempt to make them pleasant for break. Instead, she was greeted by eye rolling and snarling from Harrison, Arabella, and Caroline. "I thought I was being nice."

"Well, you thought wrong, Mom," Harrison snapped.

"I'm sorry, Harrison."

"Harry... Everyone calls me Harry."

Jackie left in shock and went home to Jack telling him about her dealings with their kids, "Oh and Harrison wasn't the worst. I thought our Arabella was going to have a temper tantrum."

"They're at that age, Kid."

"Jack, I miss when they were nice to us."

"Me too... Hey, let's go upstairs and forget we have any damn kids."

"But it's noon!"

"Hey, when do I get to show my wife I love her? We either have teenage crisis or toys lost or press conferences or secret service or-"

"Alright, alright..." Jackie replied pretending to be reluctant.

So the two went upstairs and a little while later they were cuddling. "That was nice, but we have children that need picked up."

"I guess so," Jack said looking at his watch.

      "Jack, I love you. You know that right?"

      "Of course I do," he said distantly.

      "Jack, look at me. You were a good president."

      "So many people died in Vietnam, Jackie. So many people that I can't begin to imagine the hurt."

      "That wasn't just your call. There were a dozen other men that pulled the trigger on that. You were poorly advised."

      "I'm the damn fool that had the final say and I'll be the damn fool in the history books."

      "Bunny, who cares what history says. You have you're family and your friends... You don't need the public's support anymore."

      He sighed, "I don't want to talk about this anymore. I'm going to get the kids."

      Jack smiled weakly, "I love you, Jack."

      "Yeah, I know."

      It had been almost a year since Nixon was inaugurated, yet Jack continued to beat himself up over Vietnam. Jackie didn't know how to fix the broken man that he had become. He barely hugged and kissed her. He would only show affection through sex and Jackie believed that it was more of a stress relief for him than affection. And he rarely talked to any of his family. He often spent time in his office writing a book that he planned to have published after his death in hopes to preserve his legacy.

       Jackie laid in the bed for a few minutes just thinking about their life together and how he and her kids would handle the news that she was pregnant at age 40.

    She knew it would be a bad reaction. Jack was having psychological issues because of Vietnam and three of her five children were hormonal adolescents. John was at an awkward age and Patrick was her only hope. He was still a sweet little boy. When Jack and all of the kids arrived home, she had dinner cooking. While they were waiting, Jackie tried to make light conversation. "How was everyone's day?"

    "It was a day," Jack sighed.

    "Everybody liked the cookies, Mommy," Patrick said."

    "I'm glad."

    "Yeah, Mom, my friends liked them too," John added.

    Arabella rolled her eyes and groaned.

    "Excuse me, but I went to all of the trouble to make and bring the cookies for you."

    "Well, I didn't ask you to."

    "Go to your room. I'm sick of the attitude."

    Harrison saw Jackie was getting upset, "All of my buddies liked the cookies. They said you're the best baker."

    "Aw, thanks, Harrison."

    "Mom, can you drive me to the mall tomorrow?" Caroline asked.

    "I don't know for sure. I'll have to check my schedule. What time, sweetie?"

    "I don't know. I have to call my friend."

    "Okay, baby."

    "I'm not a baby."

    "Watch the mouth, Caroline."

     "Well, you treat me like a baby."

      "Room," Jackie snapped her fingers, "Now."

      Jack flipped through the paper and Harrison went over toward his father, "Hey, Dad. Can I have a section?"

      "Sure, son, you want sports?"

      "No, I'd like the current events page. I have to read about a current headline and talk about it in my civics class tomorrow. So the front page would work."

       "I'm not done with it."

       "Dad, I watched you read it a minute ago. I really need it for school."

      "Well then buy your own damn paper!"

      "Jack! Give him the paper," Jackie raised her voice as she pulled it out of his hands and looked the headline.

      "Final bodies recovered from Vietnam: Families condemn Kennedy to eternal damnation," Harrison read aloud.

      "God damnit!" Jack yelled jumping out of his seat and snuffing out his cigar, "I will be in my room and no one better bother me and if you do you'd better be dead or dying!"

       He went up the steps and Jackie glanced at her children. Harrison looked especially bothered, "Mom, I didn't mean to-"

       "It's not your fault, Harry."

       "Harrison, Mama. I like when you call me Harrison. I'm sorry about earlier." Jackie hugged him. "Should I check on Dad?"

        "Just leave him be. He needs to cool off. In the meantime, go get your sisters, dinner is ready."

       Harrison bounded up the steps to retrieve Caroline and Arabella from their rooms, "Mom said come eat."

       Arabella whispered in Harrison's ear as they walked down the steps, "What happened with Dad?"

      "I don't know. I just know that we need to take it easy on Mom with our attitudes and demands because with the ways he's been... She's going to lose her mind."

      Arabella nodded as she walked into the kitchen to help her mother serve, "I'll help you, Mom. And I'm sorry about earlier."

      Jackie smiled at her and kissed her forehead.

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