Chapter 82

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"Excuse me, I have to go talk to someone really quick."

"Okay," Jack said and closed his eyes as he laid back against his pillow.

"Teddy! Bobby!" Jackie whispered loudly going out in the hall, "I need help."

"What's up, Jackie?" Teddy asked, "Bobby went home for a bit."

"Ted, he's asking for Kick and Joe."

"We have to tell him," Teddy sighed. Jackie knew his heart was breaking and she didn't know how to fix that. "It's a damn shame to lose a person once, but to have to go through it all over again is just torture. It's not fair."

"I know. Let's tell him together, okay?"

Teddy grabbed Jackie's hand and they walked inside the room, "Hey, Ted, do you know when Joe and Kick will visit me?"

"Jack, Joe died in the war," Teddy said.

"Jackie," Jack said clearly breaking down. He began crying as he reached for his wife.

"Shhhhh, it's alright," Jackie held him tightly and ran her fingers through his hair.

     "Did he know that I loved him?"

"Of course he did, sweetie."

"Jack, Kick died in a plane crash four years later."

Jack was hysterical he held on to Jackie for dear life as he sobbed. His whole body shook. "Teddy, can you give Jack and I a moment alone?"

"Yes, of course," Ted mumbled as he wiped tears from his eyes.

"Jack, I know you're upset right now. I understand this feels like a fresh loss to you, but you have to take this grief and turn it in to motivation to get better."

"I will. As long as you promise me something?"

"What's that, darling?" Jackie asked wiping some of his tears away.

"You'll be with me through it all."

"Of course I will be. I know you don't remember it, but you've always been there for me."

A few days later, Jack was discharged from the hospital. They walked outside together and Jack smiled charmingly at the cameras just like everything was fine. "Mr. President, do you have anything to say?"

He was holding onto Jackie as she quickly whispered, "Say, 'This does not show  strength or weakness as a president. It simply shows that just like you, I am only human.'"

"These bullet wounds do show my strengths or weaknesses as a president. They simply show that I am comprised of flesh and blood just like every other human on this planet. We will all fall, but we all have the ability to rise from the ashes if only we have the will to try."

The crowd went wild and Jack screamed, "That was wonderful, Bunny," Jackie whispered.

They climbed into their car and were driven to the Whitehouse. After Jack carefully got out, he made his way inside. He made sure to hold onto Jackie through it all. "Daddy!" Harrison screamed running toward him, "Careful, baby," Jackie said softly, "Daddy's in a lot of pain."

Jack used a crutch to hobble to a couch and sat down. There Harrison climbed up next to him and kissed his cheek, "Daddy, I missed you."

"Oh, Harrison, I missed you."

"I maked you a card," Harrison smiled as he handed him the card.

"That's so nice, buddy," Jack groaned as Harrison hugged him.

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