Chapter 2: Bonnie Knows

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Author's Note:

Still very busy but I'll try to get some time soon to upload more chapters. Long story, but I've made it a pain to upload these. Anyways, at some point you'll get a barrage of chapters. Hope this satisfies you for a bit.

Ash ran through the forest at full speed. He looked up and saw the moon and realized he must have been running for hours. He knew his friends were probably worried about him, but he had to think of Noivern now. He could worry about catching up later. The thought of Noivern made him run even faster. He hated Team Rocket for this. He knew Nurse Joy could help Noivern, but still he hated them. Hurting Ash's Pokemon was hurting Ash's very soul. He could almost feel it when his Pokemon were hurt. Obviously it was different from when Greninja took his special form, but any of his Pokemon getting hurt could sometimes cause Ash to feel pain.

He noticed a little bit of light up ahead and shouted in relief. He started yelling for Nurse Joy once he saw the Pokemon centre sign and managed to push himself even more to get there faster. He stopped in front of the doors and tried to open them. "Open up!" He yelled, "Nurse Joy I need your help!" He was shouting at the top of his lungs. He couldn't believe it. He'd run all of this way and Nurse Joy was going to sleep during his time of need? Then he noticed a light turn on in a hallway through the window, followed by the main lobby's lights going on. Nurse Joy came to the door, followed by her Wigglytuff. She opened the door and glared at Ash. "Thank you-" he started.

"What on earth are you doing? Do you realize there are sick Pokemon here trying to sleep?" She was whispering, but somehow it seemed like a yell.

Ash looked down. "I'm really sorry Nurse Joy, but I need your help."

The nurse continued to glare at him and looked at Pikachu. "You're Pokemon looks fine."

"No, not Pikachu. It's my Noivern. His wing and leg are hurt. Some Pokemon thieves attacked him."

Nurse Joy's glare immediately went away. "Alright, get in. Bring out Noivern, so we can put him on a stretcher." She looked at Wigglytuff and ordered it to grab the stretcher.

When Wigglytuff returned, Ash let Noivern out onto the stretcher. It looked at him with confident, but weary eyes. "You're gonna be alright Noivern. Nurse Joy will take care of you." He looked the nurse in the eyes. "Anything I can do?"

Nurse Joy looked at Ash. She felt bad for getting mad at him earlier. She could tell he really cared about his Pokemon. "No, don't worry. I'll take care of Noivern and he should be at one hundred percent after a couple of days." She gestured to a lobby couch. "The rooms are all taken, but you can sleep on the couch. I'll send Wigglytuff with pillows and blankets in a few minutes." She took Noivern down a hall and through a door to begin healing him.

Ash sat down on the couch and Pikachu jumped up next to him. "What are we going to do, buddy? Obviously I need to make sure Noivern's ok, but Serena and the others are waiting for us."

Pikachu looked down sadly, clearly not knowing what to do. It glanced around the room, hoping for some kind of inspiration. "Pika!" He shouted. He had just locked his eyes on a computer.

Ash glanced at what Pikachu was looking at and grinned. "Great idea Pikachu, we can email Serena. She'll get it on her tablet." The look of excitement then faded. "But wait...Nurse Joy said Noivern would only be healthy in two days." He looked nervously at the computer and then back at Pikachu. "We might miss the showcase." He sighed and went to the computer to send the email.

Serena woke up and yawned. She looked around the cave. Bonnie and Dedenne were still sleeping, but Clemont was already up and making breakfast. Serena noticed how he kept glancing up at the opening of the cave expectantly. "So obviously he isn't here yet." She stated.

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