Chapter 71: Planning Ahead

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A few hours after his quarterfinal victory over Sawyer, Ash had wandered off from his group of friends, including Serena, to go and spend some time alone with his Pokemon at the edge of the forest near the trainer's village. A lot was on his mind. He couldn't stop thinking about where he was now, after such a long journey.

"The final four, Pikachu," Ash whispered to his best friend, looking out into the trees. "We haven't made it this far since Sinnoh."

"Pika-pikachu," Pikachu answered with a happy nod from his trainer's shoulder.

Ash looked over to where Greninja was sitting with Goodra and Talonflame, the three of them a few feet away from a quietly sparring Hawlucha and Noivern. "Last time was against Tobias. Remember that?" Ash asked Pikachu, turning his gaze back to the trees ahead.

"Chu..." Pikachu muttered, not sounding too happy from the memory.

"Yeah it wasn't the way I wanted to go out, either," Ash told his loyal partner. "Whether we managed to perform the best against him or not, losing like that was tough." He paused a moment and thought of his progress since that battle. "It shouldn't matter now, though, if we battle a Darkrai or a Latios or any other Pokemon. We're strong enough and determined enough to beat anyone. And we've got all our friends supporting us. We won't lose, Pikachu. Calem, Alain, or whoever else is in the final four, won't beat us. We're winning this thing."

"Hey Ash, is that you?" Ash actually wasn't surprised to hear Calem's voice. He turned his head and saw his newest rival emerge from the path he'd come from earlier.

"Hi Calem," Ash greeted. "So I guess you made it through, huh?" Ash had decided not to watch the other quarterfinal battles, wanting to make his semi final battle more of a surprise.

"Yeah, I guess there's a good chance we'll battle each other, now," Calem answered with a smile.

Ash nodded. Something told him to expect it. It was an odd feeling, but he felt like it was all but certain that he would be battling Calem next. Perhaps it meant nothing, but Ash was excited at the thought. Calem had been an exceptional fighter in their last bout which had been interrupted. Another battle would be something Ash knew he'd enjoy. "Let's make it an even better one than last time."

"Last time was already really good," Calem said with a laugh.

Ash laughed as well, silently agreeing. However, he felt it was still possible for he and Calem to have an even better match than before. "I think we're both stronger and we know each other a little better. That could make things pretty interesting, don't you think."

Calem narrowed his eyes and looked towards the forest, as Ash had been doing earlier. "I guess you're right," he finally said. "But Ash, don't think you can predict what I have planned for you. I need to change my battle plan."

"You should know I'm not easy to predict either," Ash stated seriously. "I don't even plan things a lot of the time."

Calem smirked at that and shook his head while chuckling a little. "I've never met a trainer like you before. Somehow, you just exude power, even though you're a pretty lighthearted person."

"Do I?" Ash asked, frowning at the praise. He'd never thought of himself like that. Really, he'd only ever felt like that when he'd organized his army of Pokemon to assault Team Flare. He'd known his power in that moment and he'd known what the stakes were. It was a confidence that was hard to match. He hadn't even had that kind of confidence when he was beating Malva.

Calem nodded again. "I've battled a lot of tough opponents, Ash, and none if them have made me question my methods like you."

"Question your methods?" Ash repeated.

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