Chapter 49: The Battle of Lumiose City Part 4

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As Ash moved forward into the battle, he realized he and his Pokemon were absolutely unbeatable. He could see down below that his Pokemon were taking out Team Flare Pokemon one by one with single hits. He saw Oshawott strike down a Sycther with his razor shell, Snorlax take out a Hydreigon with an ice punch, Krookodile knock out a Maganium with a dragon claw. In the skies it was no different. Swellow and Staraptor teamed up to take out a Tropius. Noivern and Gliscor put down a Salamence. Talonflame, Unfezant and Noctowl struck down a trio of Skarmory. Nothing could stop them.

When any enemy Pokemon got close to Ash, it was maybe even more lopsided. Charizard, Pidgeot and Pikachu deflected anything that was even remotely close to him. A hyper beam from a Tyranitar rushed towards Ash, but Pidgeot was able to slap it down with a steel wing. A hydro pump from a Feraligatr headed towards Charizard's tail, but Pikachu's thunderbolt jolted right through it. There was trio of Dusknoir that sent of three shadow balls and Charizard played a little bit of baseball and sent them all back with dragon tail. The way they were fighting, they couldn't lose. Ash knew that if he ever brought this kind of power to the Kalos League, he'd be absolutely unbeatable.

Ash noticed the Butterfree army was making quick work of the bug Pokemon Team Flare had sent up. He could even see his own Butterfree among the group, easily taking down any enemies that came near him. A Ninjask barrelled towards him and Butterfree struck him with a surprise psybeam. Ash smiled, seeing that clearly his old Pokemon had been keeping his battle skills in tip top shape.

It wasn't even the just the battles around him, that Ash could see. He closed his eyes a few times, and watched as Greninja crushed what he knew to be Mable's Weavile and Houndoom. The frog-ninja Pokemon was stronger than ever, despite his injuries.

It wasn't long before it became crystal clear that the reinforcements Ash had brought were too much for Team Flare to handle. Ash could even see quite a few were fleeing, while the police were rounding up a few others. A few battles still went on, but he knew that overall, the battle was pretty close to being over. At least, the battle with those he didn't care about. The battle with Lysandre was still very much alive. Ash had Charizard stop and he looked towards Prism Tower, seeing that Zygarde was carefully watching him. Ash knew that Lysandre was well aware of what was going on and that was exactly what he wanted. Let him know how strong I am. Let him see that he has no chance of beating me. Let him know that no matter what he does, he's getting a painful dose of Ash Ketchum.

Then, Ash noticed Zygarde move from his spot above Prism Tower. He flapped his wings and flew higher into the sky and then moved forward. Apparently, Lysandre was making a move. Zygarde seemed to move in slow motion as he flew and then he stopped, hovering in front of Lumiose City, just above the battlefield. Then, Lysandre spoke, using some kind of speaker from the top of Lumiose City.

"Welcome, Mr. Ketchum. I see you've brought some friends to the party." The voice caused everyone to stop battling. Although, there wasn't really that much left, with Ash's Pokemon having already wiped out most of Team Flare's Pokemon. "An impressive entrance. You have quite the army at your disposal."

Ash narrowed his eyes. He wasn't stupid. Lysandre wasn't complimenting him, he was taunting him. Lysandre was hinting that Ash's Pokemon were no match for his Zygarde. And I guess he's actually right about that. Ash thought. But that doesn't matter. I won't give up until Serena's safe.

"I suppose you actually wish to fight me." Lysandre said. "You seem to be quite upset. If you don't mind, I'd like to know why."

"He's just taunting you, Ash, don't answer." Ash jumped. He'd almost completely forgotten Dawn was behind him. She'd joined him on Charizard's back so that Pidgeot could perform his gust easier when they'd arrived.

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