Chapter 47: The Battle of Lumiose City Part 2

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Clemont winced as he watched Chespin get a flamethrower right to the face and get slammed to the ground in front of him. He quickly recalled the energetic grass-type to his pokeball and ordered Luxray to take care of the opponent, a Torkoal, with a quick thunder fang. Luxray darted forward, his jaws shooting off electricity, and then bit hard into the Torkoal. The enemy Pokemon staggered back and fell to the ground, causing its trainer to quickly recall it and run off.

"We're doing pretty well." Brock said weakly.

Clemont sighed. They were both down to two Pokemon each. Luxray and Bunnelby for Clemont and Croagunk and Chansey for Brock. Clemont had sent out Heliolisk and Magneton earlier, but they'd been easily defeated by a Tyranitar, before it was defeated by a combo attack from Chansey and Croagunk. "We need to find Bonnie. Those Wetlands Pokemon aren't going to be able to hold Team Flare back for much longer."

"Right." Brock nodded. He was just about to take a step forward, when someone stopped in front of them. "Well...apparently we have another obstacle."

Clemont instantly recognized the purple-haired woman from Team Flare, Celosia. She was sneering at Clemont and Brock, both her Drapion and Manectric in front of her. "Just ran into your little brat of a sister. Lucky for her, she had that Goodra to save her."

"So you ran away from Goodra like a scared little kid, while Bonnie probably stared you down face to face." Clemont taunted back. As much as Bonnie frustrated him with running off, he was proud of her. He knew that she'd at least fought this woman off.

"I didn't run away. I was ordered to look for Z-1." Celosia snarled. "A very important mission." She narrowed her eyes and smirked. "And attacking you was another order that I'll gladly follow." She pointed at Luxray. "Drapion, use pin missile."

"Swift!" Clemont shouted. Luxray immediately whipped out his tail, shooting off a dozen shiny golden stars that smashed into the pin missile attack, causing a little explosion between Clemont and Celosia. "Bunnelby, dig!" Bunnelby quickly burrowed into the ground.

"Cross poison!" Celosia ordered. Clemont's eyes widened as Bunnelby shot out of the ground behind Drapion. However, Drapion whipped around, his claws glowing in a purple light and crossed in front of him. He slashed outwards and struck Bunnelby hard, sending the rabbit-like Pokemon flying. He landed hard and didn't move.

"Bunnelby!" Clemont yelled out in concern. He knew his faithful rabbit Pokemon wasn't going to be able to continue and recalled him to his pokeball. He was now down to only Luxray. As strong as Luxray was, though, Clemont wasn't liking how things were going for him.

"Chansey, use pound on Manectric!" Brock ordered.

"Luxray, discharge on Drapion!" Clemont yelled out.

Both Chansey and Luxray whipped forward towards their targets. Chansey pulled back her fist and thrust it forward, slamming it into Manectric's jaw. Meanwhile Luxray slid past Drapion and unleashed a blast of electricity that jolted the poison Pokemon with extreme force.

"Manectric shock wave!" Celosia yelled. "Drapion, cross poison again!" Manectric was quickest to act, sending his electricity jolting through Chansey with incredible speed. Next Drapion lunged forward and slashed out with his purple claws, perfectly striking Luxray. Normally, Clemont knew Luxray would be able to handle attacks like that, but he'd been battling non-stop for quite a while now and he was exhausted. The attack seemed to do a lot of damage and Luxray panted heavily after staggering back to stand in front of Clemont, while Chansey did the same, standing in front of Brock.

"Any ideas?" Clemont asked Brock.

"Our Pokemon are too tired." Brock said. "We need help."

Clemont knew that was wishful thinking. It wasn't like anyone was available at the moment. Even with the Wetlands Pokemon, the defences of the city were stretched pretty thin. And considering there was no sign of Ash, things were starting to look pretty bad. He'd noticed someone arriving on a Dragonite to help out Alain, so maybe some other trainers had heard of what was happening and were on their way. It still seemed pretty unlikely, though. "I don't think we're getting much help." He finally told Brock.

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