Chapter 8: The Masterclass Begins

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Serena giggled at Ash's deadpan stare into the mirror. She had quickly rushed to make an outfit for him and his partner Pokemon, who she had decided should be Hawlucha. Ash and Hawlucha were wearing matching superhero outfits. Ash had a cape and a mask on, supplied by the Masterclass showcase staff. Serena had managed to get colours to give him a similar look to Hawlucha. Hawlucha also had a cape and a mask. He didn't really need either, but they actually suited him really well and he seemed to like it. The tights Serena had given him on the other hand had turned him off.

"Haw...luch-lucha." Hawlucha said, looking at Ash, looking disappointed.

"I know, but let's do it for Serena, ok?" Ash said.

Hawlucha looked at Serena and said, "lucha," and nodded at her.

"Thanks Hawlucha, you're awesome." Serena said. "Now I'd better get Sylveon ready and then I need to get changed."

Ash looked at himself in the mirror again. "So what's the idea here? How do these go with your outfits?" He asked.

Serena looked at him like surprised. "I thought it was obvious." She blushed. "It's going to be like heroes carrying princesses. Hawlucha will carry Sylveon'll carry me..."

There was an awkward silence where Ash stared at Serena looking dumbfounded. "Pi-pikachu!" Pikachu yelled, gesturing at the TV to Serena. Shauna and Tierno were up next, dressed in their Ivysaur and Blastoise outfits to match their Pokemon. Shauna was wearing a green dress which looked like beautiful shiny green leaves all patched together. Tierno had a shell print vest that looked like a Blastoise shell and he had a light blue shirt underneath. They matched their Pokemon well. Ivysaur and Blastoise were also dressed nicely. Blastoise's shell had been painted with various green and pink designs to match Ivysaur, whose flower on its back was dyed brown like Blastoise's shell. It was creative and worked well.

Serena nodded at Pikachu. "Ok we'll be on soon, Ash." She ran to get ready.

She got Sylveon ready first, in her baby blue ribbons and dress that matched her pink fur perfectly. Serena was pretty proud of it. Then she got into her own outfit, which as before, was a baby blue dress and a tiara, with the ribbon from Ash tied through it. She had also carefully brushed her hair straight again. She smiled, looking at herself in the mirror, thinking of Ash's reaction the day before when he had seen her in this outfit. "Ok, Sylveon," she said, "let's do this." And she stepped outside to where Ash, Hawlucha and Pikachu were waiting.

"Wow..." Ash said looking at her.

"Luchaaa..." Hawlucha agreed, also staring in awe, but more so at Sylveon, who was looking a little nervous.

"Pika-Pikachu," Pikachu said smiling.

Serena blushed and then said, "Alright, you ready?"

Ash nodded and they went to the backstage area where they were going to walk out from. Serena had explained the process to them. They would go when Monsieur Pierre announced. Hawlucha would carry Sylveon in the lead and then Ash would follow, carrying Serena. They would walk to the end of the walkway and pose for the crowd and then walk back. It was simple, but she could see Ash was nervous. She noticed Hawlucha looking a little more confident. He seemed pretty pleased about his role now, after realizing he would be carrying Sylveon. Bunnelby won't like that,Serena thought.

"Alright ladies and gentlemen," Monsieur Pierre announced, "I would like you to welcome lady Serena and her partner, Ash Ketchum, along with their wonderful Pokemon, Sylveon and Hawlucha!" The crowd cheered and the curtains separated for them to go.

Hawlucha proudly lifted up Sylveon and carried her confidently ahead. Serena heard him quietly muttering, "Lucha-luchaaa," and smiled to herself.

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